Navigating between workspaces of different OMEGAMON products
In the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface, you can navigate between workspaces of different OMEGAMON products by zooming. In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal you can go between products by using dynamic links that you build yourself or by using predefined links.
Workspace navigation in the enhanced 3270 user interface
Zooming takes you to a workspace for another OMEGAMON product. For more information, see OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface: Zooming.
Workspace navigation in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Dynamic workspace linking provides for intelligent navigation and drill-down capability in context from one portal workspace to another. Because this feature aids problem determination and improves integration across the monitoring products, you can quickly determine the root cause of a problem.
To improve integration among the applications and monitoring agents that use the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal to display data, dynamic linking between workspaces is available and is known as dynamic workspace linking. If a CICS® target node is available, for example, the DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity workspace offers a link to the Transaction Analysis workspace of OMEGAMON® for CICS on z/OS®. If a Db2® target node is available, for example, the IMS Dependent Regions workspace offers a link to the Threads workspace of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Monitor/Expert on z/OS. Dynamic linking is only available for instances of products and monitoring agents that report to the same Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server as OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS.
- OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS
- OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks
- OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS
- OMEGAMON for WebSphere® MQ
In addition to cross-product linking, OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS provides dynamic linking to the OMEGAMON for IMS interface. Dynamic linking from OMEGAMON to its OMEGAMON for IMS interface is made possible by the support for dynamic terminal integration available with IBM® Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.1 and higher. Dynamic terminal integration is an extension to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal that provides seamless access to TN3270-based applications through context-sensitive links.
You can use a Tivoli Enterprise Portal terminal view to connect to any TN3270, TN5250, or VT100 host system with TCP/IP from inside a Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace. For 3270 or 5250 terminal views, you also have scripting capability with record, playback, and authoring of entire scripts. By associating a terminal view with a connection script and a query that returns appropriate values, you can configure a view that opens to a specific panel of a 3270 application. This feature is useful for creating contextual workspace links for investigating issues.
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS takes advantage of the dynamic linking capability to create predefined links from several workspaces to target workspaces that contain a related OMEGAMON for IMS screen in a Terminal Emulator view. The data that is used to connect to the target screens is retrieved from environmental variables that are specified when you use PARMGEN to configure OMEGAMON monitoring agents. Like the predefined situations that are provided with the product, predefined links are intended to be useful examples that you can build on. For more information, see the instructions that are found in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal help.