Impact of near-term history on the persistent data store

IBM® OMEGAMON® for IMS on z/OS® now supports near term history for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (enhanced 3270UI) workspaces.

Near term history provides the capability to investigate problems that occurred in the recent past by using the enhanced 3270UI. Near term history provides intuitive access to historical data collected by both agents and IBM Tivoli® Monitoring. Two types of historical workspace are provided: the historical summary and the historical snapshot. The near-term history data is stored in the persistent data store.

This enhancement requires that the size of the persistent data store (PDS) on z/OS and the number of persistent data stores be increased. The number of persistent data store historical files is increased from three to six. The default space allocation for the OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS persistent data store (KI5_PD_CYL) is 300.

For more information about using near term history, see the OMEGAMON shared documentation, Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 2 and above: OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.