Use the KI5_X_AGT_STORAGE_RESERVE_PRI parameter to specify the number of kilobytes (K) of primary (below-the-line) storage to reserve for other routines (for example ACF2 and RACF®) that might complete GETMAINs in this address space. The ACF2 and RACF routines use approximately 1K of primary storage per logged-on user. If your RESERVE value is too small, you might encounter ISST566I messages from VTAM® or S80A, S878, S066, S40D, or S0F9 abends.
Required or optional
Location where the parameter value is stored
The KI5SYSIN member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.xKANPARU library where x is R, W, or I.
Parameter name
Default value
Permissible values
0 - 9999
Related parameters