Dynamically linking to cross-product OMEGAMON® workspaces
You can use dynamic workspace linking to go between workspaces that are provided by multiple products.
Before you begin
- The product that you are linking to must be installed and configured.
- Your Tivoli® Enterprise Portal user ID must be authorized to access workspaces in the target product. Otherwise, links to workspaces in the targeted product are not included in the list.
- See the workspace descriptions for information about the predefined links that are provided with each workspace. When you link to the target workspace in context, you receive more information that is related to the system, subsystem, or resource that you are currently viewing. If you select a workspace from the list and the target workspace is not available, you receive message KFWITM081E. For more information, see the IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS®: Troubleshooting Guide.
- Right-click a link to view a list of links to workspaces provided by one or more monitoring products.
- To go to a specific workspace, select that workspace from the list.