OMEGAMON for IMS Classic startup process

OMEGAMON for IMS Classic runs the following steps during the startup process, assuming that each feature is configured to automatically start.

  1. The OMEGAMON/IMS VTAM® application (KOIVTMmp) starts.
  2. The DEXAN/IMS Collector (KOIDEXmp) starts.
  3. The RTA/IMS Collector (KRIRTAmp) starts.
  4. A DEDICATED OMEGAMON/IMS session (KOIDEDmp) starts.
  5. The VSAM message logging for the CUA front-end (KI2VSMmp) starts.
  6. The OMEGAMON/IMS command BMP (KI2BMPmp) automatically attaches.
  7. The ATF/IMS Collector (KI2ATFmp) starts.
  8. The EPILOG/IMS Collector (KEICOLmp) starts.

The OMEGAMON for IMS Classic startup process also loads the global parameters that are in the KIPGLB member that is specified by the startup procedure.