Modifying VTAM node and application definitions

The OMEGAMON® for IMS on z/OS® agent (IBMI5) provides for optional VTAM® configuration.


  1. Review the following common agent parameter configuration default parameters:
    ** (Optional) Agent's local VTAM and logon information:  
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_APPL_PREFIX          CTDI5                
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_NODE                 CTDI5N                                                 
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_APPL_OPERATOR        CTDI5OR              
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_APPL_KI5INVPO        CTDI5VP              
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_APPL_NCS             CTDI5NC              
    KI5_AGT_VTAM_APPL_AA              CTDI5AA      
    For more information about these common agent parameters, see the Common parameters in the Reference section of the OMEGAMON shared documentation, Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 2 and above.
  2. If your agent is configured to communicate to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server through SNA, then apply the following primary Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server VTAM configuration values:
    ** Agent's Primary TEMS VTAM information:  
    KI5_TEMS_VTAM_NETID               USCACO01  
    For more information about optional local agent VTAM and logon information and primary Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server VTAM configuration values, see the Common parameters in the Reference section of the OMEGAMON shared documentation, Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 2 and above.