Configuring z/OS log streams

If you enable features in OMEGAMON® for IMS that store data in z/OS® log streams, such as the Application Trace Facility (ATF), you can customize characteristics of the log stream data sets in PARMGEN. Later, you run post-configuration jobs to create the data sets and define the log streams to the z/OS System Logger. Log streams must be defined for each monitored IMS system that collects application trace data.

The values for the following set of parameters apply to all of the log stream data sets that you intend to create. You assign the extended high-level qualifier (EHLQ) for the log stream data set names, and, optionally, the SMS storage class and SMS data class to be used in the allocation of the offload (LS) and staging (STG) data sets.

KI2_LOGR_EHLQ                     rte_hilev
KI2_LOGR_LS_DATACLAS              ""
KI2_LOGR_LS_STORCLAS              ""
KI2_LOGR_STG_DATACLAS             ""
KI2_LOGR_STG_STORCLAS             ""
The second set of parameters are specific to the log streams defined for ATF. You specify whether you are going to use DASD-only log streams or Coupling Facility (CF) list-based log streams, and you specify the size (in 4 KB blocks) to allocate the offload (LS) and staging (STG) data sets. These characteristics are used to allocate unique sets of log stream data sets for each monitored IMS in the runtime environment.
KI2_LOGR_ATF_LS_SIZE_DL           50000
KI2_LOGR_ATF_LS_SIZE_SM           1000
KI2_LOGR_ATF_LS_SIZE_DX           10000
KI2_LOGR_ATF_LS_SIZE_SX           200
KI2_LOGR_ATF_STG_SIZE_DL          5000
KI2_LOGR_ATF_STG_SIZE_SM          100
KI2_LOGR_ATF_STG_SIZE_DX          1000
KI2_LOGR_ATF_STG_SIZE_SX          100
With ATF, you can collect four types of application trace data. Each type of data is stored in its own log stream:
Application history summary data.
Application history detail data.
Application history exception summary data.
Application history exception detail data.

Set KI2_LOGR_ATF_DASDONLY to YES if you want to create DASD-only log streams. For Coupling Facility (CF) list structure-based log streams, set KI2_LOGR_ATF_DASDONLY to NO, and specify the CF structure name in KI2_LOGR_ATF_STRUCTNAME or leave the default.

See the IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS: Parameter Reference for more information about the KI2 parameters.

When you are ready to submit the post-configuration jobs to create the log streams, contact your systems programmer who is responsible for Sysplex administration and storage management. Whoever submits the jobs requires appropriate authorization to create log streams and they might need to adjust settings in the jobs to meet your installation's standards.

If you use CF structure-based log streams, the post-configuration job to define the CF structure in the Coupling Facility Resource Manager (CFRM) policy must run before the jobs to define the CF structure-based log streams. In addition, your systems programmer must update the sample CFRM policy IXCMIAPU control statements for your environment before the job is submitted.