Configuring OMEGAMON for IMS (3270) address spaces

You can configure multiple OMEGAMON® for IMS (3270) address spaces, but only one per IMS.


For more information about the following KI2 parameters, see the IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS®: Parameter Reference.

Use the following PARMGEN parameters to specify the definitions for each OMEGAMON for IMS Classic started task.
Each OMEGAMON for IMS Classic started task is defined by the parameters in a KI2_I1nn row, which includes the IMS subsystem that the task monitors. You can define a maximum of 99 OMEGAMON for IMS (3270) address spaces in the runtime environment.
** -------------------------------------------------------------------
** Started tasks:
**** Classic STC definitions:
**** -----------------------------------------------------------------
**** (Required) Specify KI2_I1nn_* row per IMS subsystem to monitor:
**** Uncomment out the KI2_I1 and KI2_I1nn_* parameters accordingly:
**** -----------------------------------------------------------------
**KI2_I1                            BEGIN               * Table begin *
**KI2_I101_ROW                      01
**KI2_I101_CLASSIC_IMSID            IMSA
**KI2_I101_CLASSIC_MPREFIX          M0   * Must be unique per IMSID
**KI2_I101_CLASSIC_GLOBAL           ""   * GLOBAL=mprefix default
**KI2_I101_CLASSIC_STC              IBMOI0
**KI2_I101_CLASSIC_LROWS            255
**KI2_I1                            END                 * Table end *
** END KI2_I1
**** -----------------------------------------------------------------
**** KI2_I102_* is a sample row for a second instance
**** Move this section within the "KI2_I1" Table BEGIN/END and uncomment
**** out the parameters accordingly.
**KI2_I102_ROW                      02
**KI2_I102_CLASSIC_IMSID            IMSB * Not eligible for symbolics *
**KI2_I102_CLASSIC_MPREFIX          M1   * Must be unique per IMSID
**KI2_I102_CLASSIC_GLOBAL           ""   * GLOBAL=mprefix default
**KI2_I102_CLASSIC_STC              IBMOI1
**KI2_I102_CLASSIC_LROWS            255

The nn values are used to define the default OMEGAMON for IMS Classic started task names in KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_STC. The procedures are stored in the default IBMOIc members in the rhilev.xKANSAMU data set, where c is 0 - F when nn <= 16 and c is N0...N9 - V0...V2 when nn > 16.

Use KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_GLOBAL to specify the suffix of the KIPGLB global definitions member that you want the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic started task to use. If you specify 99, then PARMGEN configures the started task to use member KIPGLB99, which PARMGEN automatically creates. With any other value, you must run a post-configuration job to create the member and store it in the data set identified by GBL_DSN_GLOBAL_SOURCE_LIB. Consider using a common data set for GBL_DSN_GLOBAL_SOURCE_LIB, so that the data set and the KIPGLB members that it contains can be shared across runtime environments. See Reference: KIPGLB global definitions members for more information about KIPGLB members.