Showing identifiers for the IBM monitor job

After you start the OMEGAMON® for IMS interface, you can use the system command D A,L to display the identifier for the IBM® monitor job and the internal ID assigned to the interface.

Displaying identifiers for the interface started as a started task

If you start the interface as a started task, you can modify the STEPname to produce a unique z/OS ID (for example, IMSMON).
The D A,L command shows the following sample output.
JOBname    STEPname   PROCSTEPname
-------    --------   ------------
OMIMS      IMSMON     IMSPROD        NSW   S
OMIMS      M0IMSA     IMSMON         NSW   S

In this example, the interface internal ID is M0IMSA and the z/OS ID is IMSMON. The second line shows the internal ID that the interface builds.

For this example, you can terminate the OMEGAMON for IMS interface with any of the following MODIFY and STOP commands.

Displaying identifiers for the interface started as a batch job

If you start the interface as a batch job with an IMSID of IMSA, an MPREFIX of M0, and a JOBname of MONIMS, the D A,L command shows the following sample output.
JOBname    STEPname   PROCSTEPname
-------    --------   ------------
MONIMS     IMS        IMSPROD        NSW   J
M0IMSA     M0IMSA     IMSMON         NSW   J

In this example, the z/OS ID is MONIMS and the interface internal ID is M0IMSA. The second line shows the internal ID that the interface builds.