Starting the OMEGAMON for IMS Realtime Monitor automatically

You can automatically start the product interface and the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic address space under VTAM®.


  1. Issue the VTAM command:
    VARY NET,ACT,ID=cccccccc

    where cccccccc is the major node name you specified for OMEGAMON® for IMS to VTAM in the PARMGEN configuration profile.

    For example, if cccccccc is CTDOI00, issue the command
  2. Make sure the IMS system that you are monitoring is active.
  3. Issue the start command from a system console to activate the monitor:
    START proc

    where proc is the name of the OMEGAMON procedure member name in your PROCLIB.

  4. Log on to the OMEGAMON for IMS Realtime Monitor.