Starting OMEGAMON for IMS Classic in ISPF mode

Before you start OMEGAMON for IMS Classic in ISPF mode, log on to TSO.

Before you begin

Follow the procedure that describes how to start OMEGAMON for IMS Classic in TSO mode.


  1. Open the ISPF Primary Options menu.
  2. If OMEGAMON for IMS Classic is a menu option, select that option.
  3. If OMEGAMON for IMS Classic is not an option, run the TSO command %KOI in one of the following ways:
    • Choose ISPF option 6. Then, issue the TSO command %KOI
    • On the ISPF command line, issue the command TSO %KOI

    The system displays the OMEGAOMEGAMON for IMS Classic copyright.

  4. Press Enter to display the Main menu.
  5. Use the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic menu system, or press F12 to access the command interface