KIPCSQ55E CQSSSN subsys IMSID imsid rrrrrrrr REQUEST FAILED FOR qqqqqqqq. RETURN/REASON CODES = nnnnnnnn/nnnnnnnn
The shared queues collector was unable to issue a CQS request for the CQS subsystem (subsys) and indicated IMS system (imsid). CQS request rrrrrrrr for queue qqqqqqqq received the return code and reason code indicated in the message.
System action
The shared queues collector is unable to collect data from the shared queues.
User response
Return and reason codes for CQS requests can be found in IMS Common Queue Server (CQS) documentation, by searching for the request type indicated in the message by rrrrrrrr. For example, if rrrrrrrr indicates CQSQUERY, search for Common Queue Server > CQS client requests > CQSQUERY request, Return and reason codes.