KIPCSQ51E CQSSSN subsys IMSID imsid CQS INTERFACE ERROR ON rrrrrrrr FOR qqqqqqqq. R15/R0 = nnnnnnnn/nnnnnnnn


The shared queues collector was unable to issue a CQS request for the CQS subsystem (subsys) and indicated IMS system (imsid). The CQS interface could not send request rrrrrrrr for queue qqqqqqqq to the CQS address space for the return code (R15) and reason code (R0) indicated in the message.

System action

The shared queues collector is unable to collect data from the shared queues.

User response

CQS interface return and reason codes can be found in the IMS Common Queue Server and Base Primitive Environment Guide and Reference. Contact your IMS systems programmer or IBM Software Support for assistance.