EP896 VSAM ERROR IN EDS: RC = nnn FNCN = nnn FDBK = nnn


An error occurred during the EPILOG reporter's attempt to use an EPILOG data store. The three values of nnn represent the VSAM return, function, and feedback codes from the failing operation, respectively. This message is always preceded by EP895, which identifies the failing VSAM operation and the EPILOG record type.

System action

The reporter terminates or continues depending upon the severity of the error.

User response

Consult the appropriate IBM® VSAM reference documentation to determine the cause and severity of the error and take appropriate corrective action. For RC=8 and FDBK=152, you can resolve the problem by increasing the BUFNI and/or BUFND values in the LSRBUFFS parm member. If you are unable to fix the problem, call IBM Software Support for assistance.