Editing a KIPGLB member

KIPGLB members in the RKIPGLBL DD data set are source members that contain global monitoring options for OMEGAMON® for IMS. KIPGLB members contain a series of statements that define groups and group items that you want to monitor. They also control default Bottleneck Analysis options and Response Time Analysis (RTA) options.

Although users can dynamically update some of the global values, those values are lost when OMEGAMON for IMS is recycled, the KIPGLB member is reloaded, or another KIPGLB member is loaded. You can make the changes permanent by editing the KIPGLB member that the OMEGAMON for IMS task uses or edit another KIPGLB source member to use for testing, for example. Save the changes, then run KIPGLBVR to verify the contents. When you are ready to implement the changes, you do not have to stop OMEGAMON for IMS to apply them. You can run the GLBL command to load the KIPGLB member, and your changes automatically go into effect. If you implement your changes in another KIPGLB member and want that member's default global settings to automatically be loaded when you start OMEGAMON for IMS, make sure that you update GLOBAL=xx in the PARM setting of the startup procedure to specify the new suffix.

KIPGLB syntax

Each KIPGLB member is separated into four sections. The heading for each section is surrounded by the < > characters.
In the <GROUPS> section, you specify parameters that control groups, including the maximum number of groups that are allowed. You also define each group, including its name, number, and response time options. Each group is defined in its own subsection, which is identified by the <<GROUP>> heading. See <GROUPS> for a list of the parameters.
In the <GROUP_ELEMENTS> section, you specify each transaction, PSB, class, and logical terminal to be monitored and which group or groups that each item is in. You can also include item-specific response time options. Each item is defined in its own subsection, which is identified by the <<ID>> heading. See <GROUP_ELEMENTS> for a list of the parameters.
Note: A group can contain transactions, PSBs, and classes, or it can contain logical terminals (LTERMs).
In the <BOTTLENECK_ANALYSIS> section, you specify options that pertain to data collection for the Bottleneck Analysis component and other Bottleneck Analysis options. See <BOTTLENECK_ANALYSIS> for a list of the parameters.
In the <RESPONSE_TIME_COLLECTION> section, you specify options that control Response Time Analysis features such as the time slots during which you monitor response times for time slot analysis. See <RESPONSE_TIME_COLLECTION> for a list of the parameters.


The following parameters comprise the <GROUPS> section. The definitions for each group begin with a <<GROUP>> heading.
Specify the maximum number of groups, where nn is 1 - 30. You can dynamically override this value by using the MAXG immediate command.
Specify the maximum number of PSB, transaction, and class items to monitor, where nnnn is 1 - 1000.
Specify the maximum number of logical terminals (LTERMs) to monitor, where nnnn is 1 - 1000.
Specify the precision for moving time slot analysis (GRSP) displays and the ARSP exception. Use MILLIS for millisecond precision.
Specify the start of the definitions for a group. Under each <<GROUP>> heading, you have the following parameters.
NAME=(xxxxxxxx | SYSTEM | OTHER)
Specify the 1 - 8 character name of the group. The name can include blanks. SYSTEM and OTHER are special RTA monitoring groups. SYSTEM is a composite of response times for all transactions. OTHER is a composite of response times for transactions that are not monitored within any specific group. Do not specify NUMBER when you specify SYSTEM or OTHER.
Specify the number of the group, where nn is 1 - 30. The value for nn cannot exceed MAXIMUM_GROUPS. Do not specify NUMBER if the NAME is SYSTEM or OTHER.
RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD=(nnnn,ALL | nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn)
Specify the response time thresholds in tenths of a second or in milliseconds (based on UNITS) for RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP), where nnnn is 0 - 9999. A group displays dynamically on the moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph when it exceeds the response time threshold. A value of 0 means that the group is not eligible for dynamic display. Use the (nnnn,ALL) format to assign the same threshold to every type of response time for the group, or you can specify a different threshold for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD parameter, the default thresholds are 0.

Specify whether the group always displays (YES) or dynamically displays (NO) on the RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph. A group displays dynamically on the graph when it exceeds the response time threshold. A value of 0 means that the group is not eligible for dynamic display. Use the (ccc,ALL) format to assign the same value to every type of response time for the group, or you can specify a different value for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the FIX parameter, the defaults are NO.

EXCEPTION_THRESHOLD=(nnnn,ALL | nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn)
Specify the critical exception thresholds in tenths of a second or in milliseconds (based on UNITS) for average response time (ARSP) exception analysis, where nnnn is 0 - 9999. ARSP exception analysis displays a warning message when the average response time for the group exceeds the threshold. A value of 0 means that the group is not eligible for ARSP exception analysis. Use the (nnnn,ALL) format to assign the same exception threshold to every type of response time for the group, or you can specify a different exception threshold for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the EXCEPTION_THRESHOLD parameter, the default exception thresholds are 0.


The following parameters comprise the <GROUP_ELEMENTS> section. The definitions for each item begin with a <<ID>> heading. Typically, items are monitored within context of the group or groups in which they are contained. However, if you want to monitor specific items in the RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph, set RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD and FIX. For ARSP exception analysis, set EXCEPTION_THRESHOLD. The settings for a group item affect the item in all groups that contain it.
Specify the start of the definitions for an item. The items are the transactions, PSBs, classes, and logical terminals that you want to monitor. Under each <<ID>> heading, you have the following parameters.
Specify the item. The item can be a transaction, PSB, class, or logical terminal (LTERM). Use one of the following formats to identify the item.
Specify the 1 - 8 character name of the transaction. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in positions in the name or at the end of the name. For example, TRAN=ADD* includes all transactions that begin with ADD in the specified group or groups.
Specify the 1 - 8 character name of the PSB. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in positions in the name or at the end of the name. For example, PSB=AB*CD* includes all PSBs that begin with AB and contain CD in the fourth and fifth positions of the name.
Specify the number of the class, where nnn is 1 - 255.
Specify the 1 - 8 character name of the logical terminal. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in positions in the name or at the end of the name.
Specify the number of the group that includes the item, where nn is 1 - 30. If more than one group contains the item, separate the group numbers with a comma (,).
Note: A group can contain transactions, PSBs, and classes, or it can contain logical terminals (LTERMs).
RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD=(nnnn,ALL | nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn)
Specify the response time thresholds in tenths of a second or in milliseconds (based on UNITS) for RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP), where nnnn is 0 - 9999. A group item displays dynamically on the moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph when it exceeds the response time threshold. A value of 0 means that the group item is not eligible for dynamic display. Use the (nnnn,ALL) format to assign the same threshold to every type of response time for the group item, or you can specify a different threshold for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD parameter, the default thresholds are 0.

Specify whether the group item always displays (YES) or dynamically displays (NO) on the RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph. A group item displays dynamically on the graph when it exceeds the response time threshold. A value of 0 means that the group item is not eligible for dynamic display. Use the (ccc,ALL) format to assign the same value to every type of response time for the group item, or you can specify a different value for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the FIX parameter, the defaults are NO.

EXCEPTION_THRESHOLD=(nnnn,ALL | nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn,nnnn)
Specify the critical exception thresholds in tenths of a second or in milliseconds (based on UNITS) for average response time (ARSP) exception analysis, where nnnn is 0 - 9999. ARSP exception analysis displays a warning message when the average response time for the group item exceeds the threshold. A value of 0 means that the group item is not eligible for ARSP exception analysis. Use the (nnnn,ALL) format to assign the same exception threshold to every type of response time for the group item, or you can specify a different exception threshold for each type of response time component, which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET immediate command. If you do not specify the EXCEPTION_THRESHOLD parameter, the default exception thresholds are 0.


The following parameters comprise the <BOTTLENECK_ANALYSIS> section.
Specify the interval at which the short-term buckets are cleared, where nn is 0 - 99. You can dynamically override the value by using the CLRS minor command of IDEG. The default is 5.
Specify the interval at which the long-term buckets are cleared, where nnn is 0 - 480. You can dynamically override the value by using the CLRL minor command of IDEG. The default is 30.
Specify the scaling factor for the MDEX display, where nnn is 1 - 100. You can dynamically override the value by using the SCAL minor command of IDEG. The default is 1.
Specify the frequency of data collection in tenths of a second, where nn is 1 - 99. You can dynamically override the value by using the STIM minor command of IDEG. The default is 5.
Specify the minimum percent threshold for the PDEX display, where nn is 0 - 99. Any Bottleneck Analysis execution state whose short-term and long-term percent values fall below the threshold is not shown on the PDEX display. You can dynamically override the value by using the THRS minor command of IDEG. The default is 0.
Specify the minimum count threshold in tenths for the MDEX display, where nnnn is 0 - 9999. Any Bottleneck Analysis execution state whose short-term and long-term average transaction count values fall below the threshold is not shown on the MDEX display. You can dynamically override the value by using the MTHR minor command of IDEG. The default is 0.
Specify whether Bottleneck Analysis should ignore message-driven BMP transactions. Use ON to exclude message-driven BMP transactions. You can dynamically override the value by using the BMPX minor command of IDEG. The default is OFF.
Specify whether Bottleneck Analysis should ignore non-message driven BMP transactions. Use ON, the default, to exclude non-message driven BMP transactions. You can dynamically override the value by using the NMSX minor command of IDEG.
Specify whether Bottleneck Analysis should display information about transactions that are competing or executing. Use ALL or TOTAL for all transactions, including non-competing ones. You can dynamically override the value by using the DOPT minor command of IDEG. The default is COMPETING.
Specify whether Bottleneck Analysis should record I/O activity by database name. You can dynamically override the value by using the DBSW minor command of IDEG. The default is ON.


The following parameters comprise the <RESPONSE_TIME_COLLECTION> section.
Specify the first, second, and third short-term intervals that are analyzed by RTA time interval analysis (IRSP) in minutes, where nnn is 0 - 999. The second argument must be a multiple of the first, and the third argument must be a multiple of the second, for example, (15,30,60). You can dynamically override the value by using the ICTL immediate command.
SCALE=(nnn,ALL | nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn)
Specify the scale, in seconds or millisecond based on UNITS, for the vertical axis on the RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP) graph, where nnn is 1 - 999. The RTA component divides the vertical axis into 10 points, each 1/10 of the scale height. Use the (nnn,ALL) format to assign the same value to every type of response time or you can specify a different value for each type of response time component which are specified in this order.
  1. Input queue time
  2. Program input queue time
  3. Processing time
  4. Output queue time
  5. Response time 0
  6. Response time 1
  7. Not used
  8. Not used
  9. Local output time

You can dynamically override the values by using the ISET SCALE immediate command. The default is 2 for all response time components.

Specify the number of one-minutes periods that are analyzed by RTA moving time slot analysis (GRSP), where nn is 1 - 10. Moving time slot analysis reviews each of the last nn minutes to determine transactions that exceed a response time threshold. You can dynamically override the value by using the ISET WINDOW immediate command. The default is 10.
Specify the beginning and ending time of a time period that is analyzed by RTA time slot analysis (SRSP), where nnnn is specified by using the 24-hour clock, 0000 - 2400. You can specify a maximum of 48 time slots, where each time slot is represented by a TIME_SLOT parameter, as shown in the following example.

KIPGLB example

The following example illustrates the contents of a KIPGLB global definitions member.
