RTA threshold values
The global RTA thresholds control the ARSP exception and the GRSP displays in the Classic interface. The RTA thresholds do not override the global thresholds (in KIPGLBxx).
in the PARM setting of the OMEGAMON® for IMS Classic address space uniquely
identifies the KIPGLBxx source member that is dynamically loaded from the
RKIPGLBL DD data set when the OMEGAMON for IMS
Classic address space starts (for example, KIPGLBJD). PARMGEN creates a global definitions member
when you configure a new runtime environment. However, you can also use the KIPGLBCR sample that is
provided in RKANSAMU to create members. If you are upgrading to version 5.5.0, PARMGEN converts your
KOIGBLxx load modules to KIPGLBxx source members for you or you can use the KIPGLBCV sample in
RKANSAMU to convert them.