The monitoring agent is running out of storage
Slow response time on a monitoring agent might indicate a storage problem.
- If response time is slow on the monitoring agent, check
the RKLVLOG for messages about a possible storage problem. Typically, a storage usage event is generated every hour and written to the RKLVLOG.
- To schedule periodic issuance of the STORAGE command, use
command with theEVERY
command.The KI5AGST member of RKANCMDU has the following line by default.
- A command that is used to schedule another command for periodic execution.
- 00:60:00
- Shows the hours, minutes, and second. A value of 00:60:00 says run this command every 60 minutes.
- Displays statistics of TMS:Engine storage usage.
- D
- Represents Detail. STORAGE provides both primary and extended storage statistics. This information is helpful in tuning TMS:Engine memory management.
The default entry causes the STORAGE D command to be issued every 60 minutes.
- The interval at which the command is automatically issued
is defined during the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration
in PARMGEN with the
parameters in combination withKDS_TEMS_STORAGE_DETAIL_LOG_FLAG
to enable (Y) or disable (N) storage detail logging.Option Description To: PARMGEN Configuration Enable storage detail logging - Set the
parameter toY
- Set the
intervals to monitor storage. The interval values are written as part of the second EVERY command in &rhilev.&midlev.RKANCMDU(KDSSTART). The default value is 60 minutes. - Set the
intervals to force all deferred VSAM writes to DASD. The interval values are written as part of the third EVERY command in &rhilev.&midlev.RKANCMDU(KDSSTART). The default value is 30 minutes.
Disable storage detail logging Set the KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_DETAIL_LOG_FLAG
parameter toN
, which generates the second EVERY command as a comment. - Set the
- To control storage detail logging dynamically, issue the
following modify command from the z/OS® console
to either the monitoring server or monitoring agent started task to
enable storage detail logging: This modify command is useful if the monitoring server is already running with storage detail logging initially disabled. Issuing the modify command activates storage detail logging without having to recycle the monitoring server.
Where:MODIFY procname,STORAGE D
- Is the z/OS command.
- procname
- Is the name of the monitoring server or monitoring agent started task. The default name of the monitoring server started task is IBMDS. The default name of the monitoring agent started task is IBMI5.
- Displays statistics of TMS:Engine storage usage.
- D
- Stands for Detail. STORAGE provides both primary and extended storage statistics. This information is helpful in tuning TMS:Engine memory management.
- After you issue the previous MODIFY command, look in the
RKLVLOG for the output. The following text shows the typical output of this command and an explanation.
The following values apply to the previous command output:01 KLVSD001 PRIMARY MAIN STORAGE INFORMATION: 02 KLVSD003 ALLOCATION DETAIL: 03 KLVSD004 SIZE(1-16) USE(1629) TOTAL(1652) ACCESSED(2122) 04 KLVSD004 SIZE(17-32) USE(1222) TOTAL(1256) ACCESSED(1804) 05 KLVSD004 SIZE(33-48) USE(43) TOTAL(51) ACCESSED(989) 06 KLVSD004 SIZE(49-64) USE(30) TOTAL(321) ACCESSED(789) 07 KLVSD004 SIZE(65-80) USE(190) TOTAL(299) ACCESSED(474) 08 KLVSD004 SIZE(81-96) USE(277) TOTAL(432) ACCESSED(492) 09 KLVSD004 SIZE(97-112) USE(27) TOTAL(43) ACCESSED(412) 10 KLVSD004 SIZE(113-128) USE(39) TOTAL(43) ACCESSED(311) 11 KLVSD004 SIZE(129-160) USE(79) TOTAL(374) ACCESSED(222) 12 KLVSD004 SIZE(161-192) USE(84) TOTAL(111) ACCESSED(205) 13 KLVSD004 SIZE(193-224) USE(96) TOTAL(127) ACCESSED(177) 14 KLVSD004 SIZE(225-256) USE(148) TOTAL(259) ACCESSED(192) 15 KLVSD004 SIZE(257-320) USE(342) TOTAL(365) ACCESSED(144) 16 KLVSD004 SIZE(321-384) USE(40) TOTAL(54) ACCESSED(98) 17 KLVSD004 SIZE(385-512) USE(5) TOTAL(35) ACCESSED(80) 18 KLVSD004 SIZE(513-768) USE(21) TOTAL(26) ACCESSED(92) 19 KLVSD004 SIZE(769-1024) USE(14) TOTAL(17) ACCESSED(12) 20 KLVSD004 SIZE(1025-2048) USE(28) TOTAL(35) ACCESSED(8) 21 KLVSD004 SIZE(2049-4096) USE(81) TOTAL(97) ACCESSED(2) 22 KLVSD004 SIZE(4097-8192) USE(8) TOTAL(9) ACCESSED(1) 23 KLVSD004 SIZE(8193-16384) USE(1) TOTAL(1) ACCESSED(1) 24 KLVSD005 LIMIT(65536) SLOPE(9) SIZES(23) TOTAL(2916K) FREE(2055K) 25 OVERHEAD(44936) 27 KLVSD031 BUFFER POOL INFORMATION 28 KLVSD032 POOL BUFSIZE(3564) SEGSIZE(65536) MASK(3FFFF) SIDEQ(0) 29 KLVSD033 BUFFERS INUSE(0) MAX(0) GETS(0) FREES(0) 30 KLVSD033 SEGMENTS INUSE(0) MAX(0) GETS(0) FREES(0) Q(0) QMAX(0) 31 KLVSD032 POOL BUFSIZE(3440) SEGSIZE(65536) MASK(7FFFF) SIDEQ(0) 32 KLVSD033 BUFFERS INUSE(3) MAX(9) GETS(245) FREES(242) 33 KLVSD033 SEGMENTS INUSE(1) MAX(1) GETS(1) FREES(0) Q(1) QMAX(1) 34 KLVSD032 POOL BUFSIZE(2560) SEGSIZE(65536) MASK(1FFFFFF) SIDEQ(0) 35 KLVSD033 BUFFERS INUSE(53) MAX(57) GETS(340) FREES(287) 36 KLVSD033 SEGMENTS INUSE(3) MAX(3) GETS(13) FREES(10) Q(1) QMAX(2) 37 KLVSD032 POOL BUFSIZE(1920) SEGSIZE(65536) MASK(FFFFFFFF) SIDEQ(0) 38 KLVSD033 BUFFERS INUSE(1) MAX(2) GETS(60) FREES(59) 39 KLVSD033 SEGMENTS INUSE(1) MAX(1) GETS(36) FREES(35) Q(1) QMAX(1) 40 KLVSD039 END OF BUFFER POOL INFORMATION 41 ----------------------------------------------------------------
- 01
- Is a TMS:Engine header message.
- 02
- Is a TMS:Engine header message.
- 03 - 23
- Is a TMS:Engine message that specifies the following values:
- SIZE: The range (m-n, in bytes) of the sizes of data blocks in the storage area. For example, SIZE(1-16) indicates that this area contains all of the blocks that are 1 - 16 bytes long.
- USE: The number of blocks in use.
- TOTAL: The total number of storage blocks
allocated. Note: If the values of both USE and TOTAL are zero, the message does not display.
- ACCESSED: The total number of times the storage block size was accessed.
- 24
- Is a TMS:Engine message that specifies the following values:
- OVERHEAD: The amount of storage (in bytes) used for storage control.
- LIMIT: The size (in bytes) of the largest block that can be allocated.
- SLOPE: An IBM parameter.
- SIZES: Specifies the number of storage areas.
- TOTAL: Specifies (in KB) the total amount of storage.
- FREE: Specifies (in KB) the amount of storage available.
- 25
- Is a continuation of the previous TMS:Engine message
- 26
- Is a TMS:Engine message that specifies the following values:
- TMS: The amount (in bytes) of temporary storage allocated. TMS:Engine uses this storage, for example, to resolve a string expression. Typically, this value is zero.
- PREFIX: The length (in bytes) of the storage block prefix.
- CUSHION: The usage (in bytes) for each storage block. This value is equal to the value of PREFIX plus the debug usage, if any.
- 27 - 40
- Is buffer pool usage information.
- 41
- Is a line of dashes that indicates the end of the display.