Asterisk-filled fields in EPILOG reports

You might notice asterisk-filled fields in EPILOG reports. Asterisk-filled fields contain values that, if displayed, will overflow the output area, resulting in misleading, high-order digit truncation.

In the following DETAIL report example, the maximum precision of the AVG. RSP. TIME field is 8,6, which is 8 bytes with 6 bytes to the right of the decimal place. The largest number that can display is 9.999999. Therefore, asterisk-filled fields display when values exceed 9.999999. Values greater than 10 seconds are considered unusual.
| TRANSACTION GROUP =   12       SYMBOLIC NAME = PAYROLL                      |
| PERIOD:  14:30 TO 15:30 ON 08/03/15                   ELAP =   1:00 H  DEMO |
|                         RESPONSE TIME DATA                                  |
|INPUT QUEUE         |     .000256 S    |         4       |        .07        |
|PGM INPUT QUEUE     |     .000000 S    |         0       |        .00        |
|PROCESSING          |    ******** S    |         4       |        .07        |
|RESPONSE TIME 0     |    ******** S    |         4       |        .07        |
|OUTPUT QUEUE        |     .003149 S    |         1       |        .02        |
|RESPONSE TIME 1     |     .000000 S    |         0       |        .00        |
|INPUT CQS TIME      |     .000000 S    |         0       |        .00        |
|OUTPUT CQS TIME     |     .000000 S    |         0       |        .00        |
|LOCAL OUTPUT TIME   |     .000000 S    |         0       |        .00        |
|                            DEGRADATION DATA                                 |
|OTHER WAIT           26.77 S   99.8|------------============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.|
|-----------------------------------                                          |
|AVERAGE (RESP TIME 0)********  S                                             |