
The IBM® OMEGAMON® for IMS on z/OS® workspaces contain the table views that you can use to obtain information about the various aspects of your IMS environment. The table views and graphs within each workspace report attribute information that you are monitoring.

By default, the first workspace that displays when you log on to the enhanced 3270 user interface depends on the workspace that you designate as the first workspace in the site or user profile, and on the products that are installed and support the interface.

You can log on to one of the following initial workspaces in the enhanced 3270 user interface:
Enterprise IMSplex Summary workspace (KIPSTART)
This is the recommended first workspace for the OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS agent if you do not have multiple products installed that use the enhanced 3270 user interface. You can consider this workspace a starting point from an IMSPlex point of view.
Enterprise Summary workspace (KOBSTART)
This workspace serves as a dashboard for the OMEGAMON suite of products that use the enhanced 3270 user interface. On this workspace, you can see initial subpanels for every OMEGAMON monitoring agent on z/OS that you installed and that runs the enhanced 3270 user interface. If no other monitoring agents are installed in your enterprise, you don't see the subpanels on this workspace.
Monitored Systems workspace (KIPMONS)
This is an alternative first workspace that shows all the monitored subsystems that are specific to OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS. You can consider this workspace a starting point from the view of all the IMS systems without regards to IMSplex.
You can use the table views and graphs within each workspace to complete the following tasks:
  • Investigate attribute information that relates to a change in state
  • Monitor your system performance to identify bottlenecks and to evaluate tuning decisions
  • Select the most effective threshold values for situations you create