Panel display symbols

When OMEGAMON® for IMS displays command output, you might see panel symbols displayed in the output.

The symbols that OMEGAMON for IMS uses are explained as follows.
Comment lines (>)
To designate a comment line, enter a greater-than sign (>) in column 1. Any command that is entered on that line does not execute.

In addition to the comment symbols that you enter yourself, OMEGAMON for IMS automatically comments out some commands after they execute to prevent re-execution on the next cycle. OMEGAMON for IMS also comments out help text so that it remains on the screen until you clear it.

Continuation character (+)
OMEGAMON for IMS displays a plus sign (+) at the end of a line of output to indicate when more output is available. You might see this continuation character after you issue certain major commands that select a long list of items (such as DISK, which displays all online disks). So that the display does not extend off the screen, OMEGAMON for IMS displays only one line of data at a time unless you request additional lines. Displaying continuation lines of command output explains how to request the additional lines.

Online help text also displays the continuation character when more help is available.

Commands that produce multiple display lines when they execute display the plus sign (+) in column 1. For example, if you enter the .VTM command, multiple lines of information about VTAM® users are displayed as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1. VTAM user information
 ________________ KOI#01   VTM     OI-II    V530./C I91C 03/25/15  8:46:07    B
 .VTM  Userid    Terminal    Mode       Session Start           Last Update    
+                ATERM507    VTM      03/25/09  7:28:12      03/25/09  8:46:07 
+                RGI21102    VTM      03/25/09  7:57:06      03/25/09  8:46:07 
+                RGI21124    VTM      03/25/09  8:31:25      03/25/09  8:46:07 

Commands that you enter after a command with multiple display lines might extend off the screen. These commands reappear as soon as you scroll through the output.

If you enter a new command on a continuation line, OMEGAMON for IMS automatically positions the new command after the existing output lines.

Input character (:)
Some commands allow multi-line input for setting parameters. When you issue this type of command, OMEGAMON for IMS responds with a table of keywords and their current settings. On each line of a multi-line input command, column 1 displays a colon (:) to indicate that you can type over the current setting and change the value as shown in the following figure.
Figure 2. Keywords
 ________________ KOI#01   VTM     OI-II    V530./C I91C 03/25/15  8:51:37    B
:       FGOLIMIT     =       64     FGOLOOP      = OFF                         
:       GDEVUCBS     =      200     INTERVAL     =     5.00                    
:       IODELAY      =        5     LOOPCOUNT    =    50000                    
:       LOOPTIME     =   150.00     PAGELIMIT    =      400                    
:       PEEKSIZE     =    16384     STATUSMODE   = OFF                         
:       OCMDMASTER   = ON