INFO-line format

The first line of an OMEGAMON® for IMS screen display is called the INFO-line. The INFO-line accepts keyboard input over the underscores, for example the /PRINT command, and displays status information about your session.

The following figure shows the format of the INFO-line, which can include the following components:
  • The input area where you enter menu options
  • Screen space name, for example, ZMENU
  • Mode of operation, for example, VTM
  • Logging status
  • Product ID and version
  • User profile suffix
  • System ID
  • Screen refresh date
  • Screen refresh time
  • Scrolling depth
  • Automatic screen facility
  • Screen stacking and bell status
Figure 1. INFO-line format
__________________ ZMENU   VTM  LOG OI-II V530./C I91C 03/25/15  8:40:23  5  AB
               |      |     |    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
Input Area <---`      |     |    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                      |     |    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
Screen Space Name <---`     |    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                            |    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
      Mode of Operation <---`    |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                                 |     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
             Logging Status <----`     |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                                       |   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                     Product ID <------`   |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                                           |   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                      Product version <----`   |   |       |        |     |  ||
                                               |   |       |        |     |  ||
                       User Profile Suffix <---`   |       |        |     |  ||
                                                   |       |        |     |  ||
                                   System ID <-——--`       |        |     |  ||
                                                           |        |     |  ||
                                Screen Refresh Date <----—-`        |     |  ||
                                                                    |     |  ||
                                         Screen Refresh Time <---—--`     |  ||
                                                                          |  ||
                                                    Scrolling Depth  <---`   ||
                                            Automatic Screen Facility <-----` |
                                          Screen Stacking and Bell Status <---`

The IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS®: Realtime Commands Reference discusses the elements of the INFO-line in more detail. The symbols for the logging status (LOG), the scrolling depth option (5), the automatic screen facility status (A), and the bell status (B) are displayed on the INFO-line only when those features are in use. Otherwise, the field is blank.

If the zero-value display option is on, the system displays zero values as zeros. If the option is off, the system displays zero values as blanks.