Exception analysis for IMS messages

Message exception analysis is an OMEGAMON® for IMS facility that you can use to capture your IMS messages as exceptions.

Message exception analysis is activated from any OMEGAMON for IMS terminal with the ICNS command. To ensure that message exception analysis is activated, define the ICNS command in an initialization panel that is invoked at OMEGAMON for IMS session initialization. For more information, see Screen spaces, the ICNS and OPTN commands in the IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS®: Realtime Commands Reference, and the IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS: Planning and Configuration Guide.

Listing, defining, and deleting messages with menus

OMEGAMON for IMS includes a group of predefined IMS messages. To view or modify this list through the menu system, follow these steps.
  1. From the Main menu, select option P, Profile.

    The Profile menu displays.

  2. Select option F, Messages, from the Profile menu.

    You see the Set Exception Messages menu.

  3. Select option B, Messages.

    You see the SPECIFY EXCEPTION MESSAGES panel, which displays a list of IMS/MTO messages that are currently defined as shown in the following example.

    Figure 1. Display of predefined IMS/MTO messages
     ________________ KOIMSGD  VTM     OI-II    V530./C I91C 03/25/15  9:46:59    B
    > Help PF1       Back PF3        Up PF7        Down PF8       Save Profile PF22
    >                          SPECIFY EXCEPTION MESSAGES 
    > This is a list of all currently defined IMS/MTO messages (such as DFSnnn or
    > ICEnnn) that display under Exception Analysis.
    + M001  DFS144    OPTION = BUFSHOW
    + M002  DFS236    OPTION = BUFSHOW
    + M003  DFS243    OPTION = BUFFER
        .      .         .         .
        .      .         .         .
        .      .         .         .
    + M024  DFS2179   OPTION = BUFSHOW
    + M025  DFS2473   OPTION = BUFSHOW
    + M026  DFS2474   OPTION = BUFSHOW
    > To add an IMS message, remove the > before MSGD below, and enter the specific
    > DFS message number.
    >MSGD ADD DFSnnn
    > To add an MVS message generated by an IMS region, remove the > before MSGD
    > below and enter the specific message number.
    >MSGD ADD ICEnnn
    > To delete an existing IMS/MTO message, remove the > before MSGD below, and
    > enter the specific DFS or MVS message number.
  4. Follow the instructions on the panel to define or delete messages.

Defining message exception display characteristics

To define the display characteristics of each message exception, complete the following steps:
  1. First, define the messages for message exception analysis on the SPECIFY EXCEPTION MESSAGES panel (option P.F.B from the Main menu).
  2. Next, enter the XACB command with the name of the message exception whose display characteristics you want to change. For example, enter:
    XACB LIST=M001
    Sample output is shown in the following figure.
    Figure 2. Defining message exception display characteristics
     XACB LIST=M001                                                     
    : M001                                                              
    +      DISPLAY Parameters:   THRESHOLD Parameters:   XLF Parameters:
    :        State=ON             Threshold=N/A           Auto=OFF      
    :        Group=IM             Display=DEFAULT         Log=OFF       
    :        Bell=OFF             Attribute=NONE          Limit=0 (0)   
    :      BOX Parameters:       CYCLE Parameters:        Repeat=NO     
    :        Boxchar=NO BOX       ExNcyc=0                Persist=0     
    :        Boxclr=NONE          Stop=0 (0)              SS=           
    :        Boxattr=NONE         Cumulative=0                          
  3. Type over the setting for the display characteristic that you want to change. For example, if you want the terminal bell to ring when this exception trips, type ON after the BELL= parameter for an audible signal.
  4. To retain your changes after the current session, save them in a user profile. Use that profile for subsequent OMEGAMON for IMS sessions.