Running the EPILOG reporter in ISPF split-screen mode
The member rhilev.RKANSAMU(KEISPF) contains a sample CLIST for running the EPILOG reporter in ISPF split-screen mode.
- Copy rhilev.RKANSAMU(KEISPFC2) to rhilev.RKANPARU(KEISPFC2).
- Edit rhilev.RKANPARU(KEISPFC2), changing
the -THILEV- and -RHILEV- strings in the PROC statement to match the
installation-defined -THILEV- and -RHILEV- variables. This CLIST is set to direct all reporter messages to SYSOUT via the RKEIMSG DD name. You can reset the CLIST and change the RKEILOG DD name.
- Copy both rhilev.RKANSAMU(KEISPF) and rhilev.RKANPARU(KEISPFC2)
to a PDS CLIST library that ISPF or TSO reads. You can then start
split-screen mode. The first time that you start CLIST KEISPF from a TSO user ID after product installation, you must select option 0, the PARMS option, to initialize PF key assignments. On subsequent invocations, you can select option 1 to begin a reporting session. For more information about running EPILOG in split-screen mode, see the IBM® OMEGAMON® for IMS on z/OS®: Historical Component (EPILOG) User’s Guide.
- Copy the following required panel definition members to
an appropriate panel data set, which is available to users who are
operating in this mode:
- Copy these panels into a partitioned data set, which you
define to ISPF as a panel library by TSO session for each reporter
user. You must Generally, this means that the TSO session for each user must allocate the data set to DDNAME ISPPLIB. However, if your version of ISPF supports the LIBDEF service, you can use LIBDEF instead of modifying the ISPPLIB concatenation. These members require no user modification.Note: Panel KEBSPFP3 can be pre-processed for better performance. The KEBSPFP1 and KEISPFP2 panels are not eligible for pre-processing because of their dynamic nature.