Configuring the Application Trace Facility summary log record number

Each Application Trace Facility (ATF) summary log record that is written to the IMS log for each IMS application has a log record number that you can configure and specify in the IMS PROCLIB data set.

About this task

When the Partner Product User Exit (PPUE) is configured properly, the ATF component can write a summary log record to the IMS log for each IMS application that is being traced. On the OMEGAMON® real-time ATF Trace Specification (ATSP) command, if the LOG TO IMS trace specification option is set to YES or ONLY, each application that matches the trace specification has one record summary that is written to the IMS logging environment.

You can configure the log record number by using IMS PROCLIB member KIOPiiii, where iiii is the IMS ID. The LOGWLOGREC# parameter can be set to an integer from 160 to 255. If the parameter is not specified, the ATF component uses 160 by default.
A sample parameter member can be found in rtehilev.TKANSAM(KOIPARMS) data set.