Panel format

The format of an OMEGAMON® for IMS panel is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 1. Panel format

 ________________ KOI#01   VTM     OI-II    V530./C I91C 03/25/15  8:37:46    B
                           <Main body of panel>
|     <Input area>   | |       <Display area>                            |

Each line of the panel consists of an input area and a display area. You enter commands in the input area on the left side of the screen, and OMEGAMON for IMS displays command output on the right of the screen.

The input area of the top line, or the INFO-line, is where you enter menu options, INFO-line commands, or screen space names. The display area on the INFO-line shows status information about your session. In the main body of the panel, which follows the INFO-line, OMEGAMON for IMS accepts the input of other types of commands and displays their output.

OMEGAMON for IMS processes data on the INFO-line first. If an entry there begins with a slash, OMEGAMON for IMS treats it as an INFO-line command. Otherwise, it attempts to find and display a screen space by that name.

Next, OMEGAMON for IMS processes the input area of the main body of the panel. It executes commands as it encounters the commands, starting at the beginning of the panel.