VSAM/OSAM Databases attributes

Use the VSAM/OSAM Databases attributes to view statistics for active VSAM and OSAM databases.

Access Method The access method of the database, either VSAM or OSAM.

Area Name The area name for DEDB. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Backout PSB Identifies the program specification block (PSB) name of a database that has a dynamic backout error.

Backout Date Identifies the date and time the dynamic backout error occurred.

Database Name The name of the subject IMS database. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

DDName Displays the DDname which makes up the database. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

DMB Access DMB access characteristics are available for DMBs in memory. Valid values include Read_Only_Access, Read_Access, Update_Access, Exclusive_Access, DMB_Not_In_Mem, and DMB_Access_Unknown.

DMB Residency DMB residency is resident, in memory or not in memory (not resident). Valid values include DMB_Resident, DMB_In_Memory, and DBM_Not_In_Mem.

DMB Size The size of the DMB, in bytes. Valid format is an integer.

Dynamic Backout Error A flag indicating a dynamic backout error occurred in the database. Valid values include Yes and No.

EXCP Count Deprecated. Use EXCP Count Extended Precision instead.

EXCP Count Extended Precision The total number of EXCPs to the database (64 bit). Valid format is an integer.

EXCP Rate The number of physical I/Os per second. Valid format is an integer.

IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.

Inquiry Only Indicates whether the database is inquiry only (Yes) or not (No). Valid format is a text string of up to 3 alphanumeric characters.

I/O Error DDName Identifies either the DL/I DD name or the Fast Path area name for a database that has incurred I/O errors.

I/O Error RBA Identifies the relative byte address of the I/O error in the database.

I/O Error Type Identifies the type of I/O error in the database.

Message Ident This identifier ties a group of messages to a specific table. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.

PSB Count The count of active PSTs that reference this database. Valid format is an integer.

Recoverability DMB recoverability status. Valid values include DMB_Not_Found, DMB_Non_Recoverable, and DMB_Recoverable.

Status Indicates the scheduling status for DMB, an IMS control block in main storage that describes and controls a physical database. Valid values include DBD_Cmd_Act, DMB_Not_Found, DMB_Stopped, DMB_Locked, Wait_Pool_Space, Active, Available, Dyn_Backout_Err, Not_Allocated, DBR_Cmd_Act, DMB_Not_Loaded, Data_Area_Empty, Recovery_Needed, Area_IO_Error, Stop_Pending, Restart_Pend, Area_Stopped, Area_Open, and Area_Not_Open.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Type The type of the database, including HDAM, HIDAM, HISAM, HSAM, INDEX, DEDB, MSDB, PSINDEX, PHIDAM, PHDAM, SSAM and PART.

Write Error A flag indicating a write error occurred in the database. Valid values include Yes and No.