TPipe Resume Detail attributes
Use the TPipe Resume Detail attributes to view details of the Resume TPipe command activity.
Auto Average Timeout The average timeout for all commands. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.
Auto Count The number of commands issued. Valid format is an integer.
Auto Fail The number of commands that failed due to NAK, session errors, or other error conditions. Valid format is an integer.
Auto Msg Average The average number of messages received per command. Valid format is an integer.
Auto Msg Max The highest number of messages received for any command. Valid format is an integer.
Auto NResp The number of commands that timed out without receiving any response messages. Valid format is an integer.
Collection Level The collection level of the IMS Connect Extensions Publisher API, including Minimum, Accounting, Transit time reporting, Comprehensive performance analysis, and Maximum.
Identification Name Indicates the HWS ID of the IMS Connect system. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Noauto Average Timeout The average timeout for all commands. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.
Noauto Count The number of commands issued. Valid format is an integer.
Noauto Fail The number of commands that failed due to NAK, session errors, or other error conditions. Valid format is an integer.
Noauto Msg Average The average number of messages received per command. Valid format is an integer.
Noauto Msg Max The highest number of messages received for any command. Valid format is an integer.
Noauto NResp The number of commands that timed out without receiving any response messages. Valid format is an integer.
Originating System Identifier Identifier of the node representing the system where this data was collected. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.
Single Average Timeout The average timeout for all commands. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.
Single Count The number of commands issued. Valid format is an integer.
Single Fail The number of commands that failed due to NAK, session errors or other error conditions. Valid format is an integer.
Single NResp The number of commands that timed out without receiving any response messages. Valid format is an integer.
Sysplex Name Indicates the originating sysplex for this request. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Target Datastore Indicates the target data store (IMS ID). Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
TPipe Name Indicates the name of the TPipe. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.