Multiple Systems Coupling Performance Statistics attributes
Use the Multiple Systems Coupling Performance Statistics attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor IMS Multiple Systems Coupling performance statistics. Note that these statistics are collected for MSC logical links only.
Average MSG SendSZ Indicates the average message size sent.
Avg Msg RecSz Indicates the average message size received.
Avg Proc Time Indicates the average link processing time per all dispatches in seconds.
Avg QGET Time Indicates the average message buffer get time in seconds.
Avg QPUT Time Indicates the average receive ISRT/ENQ time, in seconds.
CHKWCT Indicates the number of logger check writes.
CHKWIOCT Indicates the number of logger check writes that caused an I/O.
IMSID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
Link Number Identifies the number IMS associates with a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) logical link.
Longest Msg RecSz Indicates the longest message size received.
Longest MSG SendSZ Indicates the longest message size sent.
Longest Proc Time Indicates the longest link processing time per dispatch, in seconds.
Longest QGET Time Indicates the longest message buffer get time, in seconds.
Longest QPUT Time Indicates the longest receive ISRT/ENQ time, in seconds.
Longest RecIO Time Indicates the longest receive I/O time, in seconds.
Longest SendIO Time Indicates the longest send I/O time, in seconds.
MVS System Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
Physical Link Name Identifies the name of the Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) physical link.
RByte Rate Indicates the number of receive bytes per second.
RecIO Req Rate Indicates the Receive I/O request rate per second.
Send Byte Rate Indicates the number of send I/O bytes per second.
SendIO Rate Indicates the number of send buffers per second.
Shortest Msg RecSz Indicates the shortest message size received.
Shortest MSG SendSZ Indicates the lowest message size sent.
Shortest Proc Time Indicates the shortest link processing time per dispatch, in seconds.
Shortest QGET Time Indicates the shortest message buffer get time, in seconds.
Shortest QPUT Time Indicates the shortest receive ISRT/ENQ time, in seconds.
Shortest RecIO Time Indicates the shortest receive I/O time, in seconds.
Shortest SendIO Time Indicates the shortest send I/O time, in seconds.
Start Time Indicates the start time for the enhanced statistics.
SYSPlex Identifier Identifies the sysplex that originated this request.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Tot Byte RecCT Indicates the total number of bytes received.
Tot Byte SendCT Indicates the total number of bytes sent.
Tot Msg RecCT Indicates the total number of messages received.
Tot MSG SendCT Indicates the total number of messages sent.
Tot Num of DISP Indicates the number of times link ITASK was dispatched by IMS.
Tot Proc Time Indicates the total link ITASK processing time for all dispatches, in seconds.
Tot QGETCT Indicates the total number of message buffer gets.
Tot QPUT Time Indicates the total receive ISRT/ENQ time, in seconds.
Tot QPUTCT Indicates the total number of message put related calls to QMGR or shared queues, including ISRT and ENQ calls.
Tot RecCT Indicates the total number of buffers received.
Tot RecIO Time Indicates the total receive I/O time in seconds.
Tot SendCT Indicates the total number of buffer sends.