Multiple Systems Coupling Logical Links attributes
Use the Multiple Systems Coupling Logical Links attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor MSC logical link characteristics.
Active Mode Table Identifies the name of the currently active VTAM session table that controls the VTAM session parameters.
Bandwidth Mode Indicates whether Bandwidth Mode is ON (Yes) or OFF (No).
Default Mode Table Identifies the name of the default VTAM session table that controls the VTAM session parameters.
IMSID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
Link Number Indicates the number that IMS associates with a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) logical link.
Link Partner Indicates a user-defined identifier that associates a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) logical link with its partner on a different IMS system.
Logical Link Active Indicates whether the logical link is active. Valid values include Yes and No.
Logical Link Active Setting Indicates the setting of an active logical link. Valid values include Inactive, Primary, Secondary, and Unknown.
Logical Link Assigned Indicates whether the logical link is assigned. Valid values include Yes and No.
Logical Link AutoRecon Indicates the status of automatic session reconnect for the logical link. Valid values include AutoSessRecon, Continuous, and N/A.
Logical Link Force Indicates whether FORCE is set for an inactive logical link. Valid values include Yes, No, and N/A.
Logical Link Inactive Setting Indicates the setting of an inactive logical link. Valid values include COLD, ERE, NRE, and Unknown.
Logical Link PSTOPPED Indicates whether the logical link is currently in PSTOPPED state. Valid values include Yes and No.
Logical Link Status Indicates the current status of a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) logical link. Valid values include PSTOPPED, POST, IDLE, IWAIT, TPWait, OPEN, and NOTASSIGNED, or a combination of applicable values, such as: PSTOPPED, IDLE.
Logical Link Takeover Indicates the setting for Takeover of Trace for the logical link. Valid values include Yes and No.
Logical Link Trace Indicates the tracing status on the logical link. Valid values include Active and Inactive.
Logical Running Status Indicates the running status of the logical link. Valid values include Idle, Posted, IWait, TPWait, and N/A.
MVS System Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
Physical Link Name Identifies the name of a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) physical link.
Queue Count Indicates the number of messages that are waiting to be sent on a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) link.
Receive Count Indicates the number of messages that a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) link has received.
Send Count Indicates the number of messages a Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) link has sent.
SYSPlex Identifier Identifies the sysplex that originated this request.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Type of Link Indicates the type of Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) link. Valid values include BinarySynchronous, ChannelToChannel, MemoryToMemory, VTAM, and N/A.