IMSplex Health attributes

Use the IMSplex Health attributes to view rate information indicating the health of each IMS system being monitored by the agents. Rates are computed as the amount of activity (for example, ENQ, DEQ, or I/O) during the time range divided by the number of seconds in the time span.

Affinity Count The number of transactions on the shared queue that have an affinity to this IMS system.

BALG DEQ Rate The message dequeue rate per second for Fast Path (balancing groups).

BALG ENQ Rate The message enqueue rate per second for Fast Path (balancing groups).

BALG Message Queue The number of messages in the input queue for Fast Path regions (balancing groups).

BALG Message Rate The message rate per second for Fast Path (balancing groups).

Control CPU Percent The CPU percentage for IMS control type regions (for example, IMS Control region, DBRC, IRLM, or DL/I SAS).

Control IO Rate The I/O rate per second for all IMS control type regions.

Control Paging Rate The paging rate per second for all IMS control type regions.

Dependent CPU Percent The CPU percentage for all IMS dependent regions.

Dependent IO Rate The I/O rate per second for all IMS dependent regions.

Dependent Paging Rate The paging rate per second for all IMS dependent regions.

DSGroup Name Indicates the name of the data sharing group for this IMS system, if defined.

FF DEQ Rate The message dequeue rate per second for full function IMS.

FF ENQ Rate The message enqueue rate per second for full function IMS.

FF Transaction Queue The number of transactions in the input queue for full function regions.

FF Transaction Rate The transaction processing rate per second for a full function IMS.

Highest R0 IMS The IMS Subsystem identifier of the IMS system that had the highest R0 response time.

Highest R0 MVS The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier of the system that had the highest R0 response time.

Highest R0 Time The highest R0 response time in microseconds for collected transactions.

IMS COUNT The number of IMS systems (used when rolling up to IMSplex).

IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.

IMSplex Name The name of the IMSplex that this system belongs to.

IRLM Lock Waiters The number of regions waiting on IRLM locks.

Local Transaction Queue The number of transactions on the local queue.

Lock Waiters The number of regions waiting on global or local locks.

Locks Held The total number of locks held.

Longest Lock Indicates the elapsed time, in microseconds, that the region has been waiting on a database lock. This value is only provided for IMS V10 and later versions and only when the region status indicates that the region is waiting on IRLM or a PI enqueue.

MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.

Originating System Identifier Identifier of the node representing the system where this data was collected, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.

PI Lock Waiters The number of regions waiting on PI Locks held by other regions.

Region Count The number of dependent regions running under this IMS.

Row Type Indicates whether the row is an IMSplex summary row or an IMS row.

Shared Transaction Queue The number of transactions on the shared queue. This includes messages on the transaction and fast path program queues.

SQGroup Name Indicates the name of the Shared Queues group for this IMS system, if defined.

Summarize By IMSplex Indicates whether summaries are to be returned for each IMSplex. A value of Yes indicates a summary health row is to be returned for each IMSplex as well as a row for each IMS not belonging to an IMSplex. Any other value returns a single health row for each IMS.

Sysplex Identifier Indicates the originating sysplex for this request.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Total CPU Percent The total CPU percentage for IMS control type regions and all dependent regions.

Total DEQ Rate The total message dequeue rate for full function and Fast Path.

Total ENQ Rate The total message enqueue rate for full function and Fast Path.

Total IO Rate The total I/O rate for IMS control type regions and all dependent regions.

Total Paging Rate The total paging rate for IMS control type regions and all dependent regions.

Total Transaction Queue The total number of transactions in the input queue for all full function and Fast Path.

Total Transaction Rate The total full function and Fast Path transaction rate.