IMSplex DBCTL Thread Summary attributes
Use the IMSplex DBCTL Thread Summary attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor DBCTL threads by Data Sharing group.
Active Threads Indicates the number of active threads.
Active Threads Percent Indicates the percentage of threads that are active (number of active threads divided by the total number of DBCTL threads).
Attached CCTL Count Indicates the number of attached CCTLs (CICS systems).
Available Threads Indicates the number of available threads.
Datasharing Group Name Identifies the name of the data sharing group, if any.
IMS ID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier. Note that a value of *ALL is generated for summaries that are for the entire data sharing group.
Indoubt Threads Indicates the number of in-doubt threads.
Input Thread Count Indicates the number of input threads.
MVS ID Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
Processed Thread Count Indicates the number of processed threads.
Sysplex Identifier Identifies the sysplex that originated this request.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Unavailable Threads Indicates the number of unavailable threads.
UOW Input Rate Indicates the unit of work input rate per second.
UOW Processed Rate Indicates the unit of work processed rate per second.