IMS System attributes
Use the IMS System attributes to view system level exceptions for the monitored IMS system.
APPC Asynchronous Conversations LU62 active asynchronous conversations. Valid format is an integer.
APPC Desired Status Desired Status of APPC/IMS connection to APPC/MVS. Valid values include Disabled, Failed, Canceled, Stopped, Purging, Starting, Outbound, Enabled, and Unknown.
APPC GRNAME APPC generic resources name. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
APPC IMS LUname APPC IMS Base LUname. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
APPC IMS NETID APPC IMS Base Network ID. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
APPC Input Status Indicates the status of the APPC input. Valid values include Input_Traced and Input_Stopped.
APPC Output Status Indicates the status of the APPC output. Valid values include Output_Traced and Output_Stopped.
APPC RACF Global RACF option for APPC transactions. Valid values include None, Check, Full, Profile, and Unknown.
APPC Status Status of APPC/IMS connection to APPC/MVS. Valid values include Disabled, Failed, Canceled, Stopped, Purging, Starting, Outbound, Enabled, and Unknown.
APPC Synchronous Conversations LU62 active synchronous conversations. Valid format is an integer.
Applications Scheduled Current number of applications scheduled. Valid format is an integer.
BMPs Active Current number of BMP regions active. Valid format is an integer.
Checkpoint ID Current checkpoint ID. Valid format is a text string of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Checkpoints Taken The number of checkpoints that are issued.
IMS Function Level Identifies a PTF that contains one or more IMS functions. The value is only available in IMS 15.1 and later releases. Valid format is an integer.
IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.
IMS Restart Time UTC IMS restart time (UTC).
IMS Version Version number of the IMS subsystem.
IRLM Release Function level of the IRLM subsystem.
Last Sample Timestamp The date and time of the previous data sample.
Message Ident This identifier ties a group of messages to a specific table. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
Msg Dequeue Delta Number of messages dequeued for this sample. Valid format is an integer.
Msg Dequeue Rate Message dequeue rate per second.
Msg Dequeue Total Total number of messages dequeued. Valid format is an integer.
Msg Enqueue Delta Number of messages enqueued for this sample. Valid format is an integer.
Msg Enqueue Rate Message enqueue rate per second.
Msg Enqueue Total Total number of messages enqueued. Valid format is an integer.
MPPs Active Current number of MPP regions active. Valid format is an integer.
MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.
RSR Global Service Group RSR Global service group name. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
RSR Readiness Level RSR Tracker Role. Valid values include Recovery, Database, System, and N/A.
RSR Service Group RSR Service group name. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
RSR TMIName RSR Transport Manager ID. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
RSR Transport Manager RSR Transport Manager status. Valid values include Active, Inactive, and N/A.
RSR Type RSR tracking role type. Valid values include Active, N/A, Tracking, and Requesting.
RSR VTAM Connection RSR VTAM connection status. Valid values include Active, Inactive, and N/A.
Sample Delta The difference in time between the current sampling (Timestamp) and the previous sampling (Last Sample Timestamp).
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Transactions Queued Current number of transactions queued. Valid format is an integer.