IMS Status attributes

Use the IMS Status attributes to view the IMS system information.

APPC Async Count Number of LU62 total active asynchronous conversations. Valid format is an integer.

APPC Conversation Total Count Number of LU62 total active conversations. Valid format is an integer.

APPC IMSLU Status Status of APPC/IMS connection to APPC/MVS. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

APPC Sync Count Number of LU62 total active synchronous conversations. Valid format is an integer.

Control Task TCB in SVC IMS Control task is waiting in SVC code. Valid values include True and False.

DC Monitor Status IMS DC Monitor status. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Dispatcher Trace Status Indicates whether the Dispatcher Trace is active. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

DL/I Trace Status DL/I trace status. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

IMSID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.

IMS Shutdown In Progress IMS Status indicator for shutdown in progress. Valid values include True and False.

IMSDIR Defined Identifies if the $$IMSDIR table is defined to IMS. Valid values include True and False.

IMSDIR Entry Missing A $$IMSDIR entry was found missing in the format library. Valid values include True and False.

IRLM Status IRLM address space status for IMS. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

ITASKs Waiting Number of ITASKs in IWAIT because no dynamic SAPs available, either privileged or non-privileged. Valid format is an integer.

Last Sample Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the previous data sample.

Lock Trace Status Indicates whether the Lock Trace is active. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Log Tape Write-ahead Log tape write-ahead status. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Message Ident This identifier ties a group of messages to a specific table. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

MVS ID The four character identifier of the MVS system. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

Online Change has Occurred Online change for the IMS control region has occurred. Valid values include Yes and No.

Online Change in Progress Online change for the IMS control region is in progress. Valid values include True and False.

Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.

Parallel DL/I Status IMS is using VSAM Locally Shared Resources without the Local Storage Option. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Physical Logger TCB in SVC IMS Physical Logger task is waiting in SVC code. Valid values include True and False.

PI Trace Status Indicates whether the PI Trace is active. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

RECA Pool Utilization Current percentage of receive any pool utilization. Valid format is an integer.

Receive Any Buffers Number of in-use receive any buffers. Valid format is an integer.

RSR VTAM Connection IMS RSR VTAM connection status. Valid values include Active, Inactive, and N/A.

Sample Delta The difference in time between the current sampling (Timestamp) and the previous sampling (Last Sample Timestamp). Valid format is an integer.

Scheduler Trace Status Indicates whether the Scheduler Trace is active. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Selective Dispatch When active, this attribute indicates that IMS selective dispatching is in effect. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Sequential Buffering Utilization Current percentage of sequential buffering utilization. Valid format is an integer.

Start DC Performed Indicates whether IMS START DC has been performed. Valid values include True and False.

TCO Status Time Controlled Operations current status. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

TCO Trace Status Time Controlled Operations trace status. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Transport Manager Status IMS RSR Transport Manager Subsystem (TMS) status. Valid values include Active, Inactive, and N/A.

VTAM ACB Status VTAM ACB status. Valid values include Open and Closed.

VTAM Authorized Path Status Indicates whether VTAM Authorized path is in use. Valid values include Active and Inactive.

Waiting on Dynamic SAPs Indicates when events are waiting for dynamic SAPs, either privileged or non-privileged. Valid values include True and False.