IMS RTA Highest Resp Times LTERMs attributes
Use the IMS RTA Highest Resp Times LTERMs attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor logical terminals with the highest response time.
Elapsed Time Indicates the elapsed time of the interval, in seconds.
IMSID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
Input Queue Time Indicates the total time, in seconds, that an input message initiated by a terminal, spends in the input queue before delivery to an application program. This time includes queuing, scheduling, program load, and program initialization. Not available if Response Time Type is not Response Time R0.
Interval End Time Indicates the end time of the interval.
Interval Size Indicates the size of the interval in seconds.
Interval Start Time Indicates the start time of the interval.
Interval Type Indicates the type of interval, including FIXED and NFIXED.
Logical Terminal Identifies the IMS logical terminal name (LTERM).
MVS System Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
Processing Time Indicates the total time, in seconds, that an application program takes to process an input message. This time begins with the Get Unique message call and ends with either another Get Unique message call, program termination, syncpoint, application program abend, or cancellation of an input message. Not available if Response Time Type is not Response Time R0.
Response Time Indicates the worst response time of Response Time Type, in seconds.
Response Time Type Indicates the type of response time, including R0 Response Time and R1 Response Time.
SYSPlex Identifier Identifies the sysplex that originated this request.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Unique Items Indicates whether items are unique (UNIQ) or could be duplicate (NUNIQ).