IMS RTA Groups Recent Mins attributes
Use the IMS RTA Groups Recent Mins attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor group response times for the last 10-minute time period, displayed in ten one-minute slots.
Current Count Indicates the number of events in the current minute interval.
Current Count - 1 Indicates the number of events in the second previous minute interval.
Current Count - 2 Indicates the number of events in the third previous minute interval.
Current Count - 3 Indicates the number of events in the fourth previous minute interval.
Current Count - 4 Indicates the number of events in the fifth previous minute interval.
Current Count - 5 Indicates the number of events in the sixth previous minute interval.
Current Count - 6 Indicates the number of events in the seventh previous minute interval.
Current Count - 7 Indicates the number of events in the eighth previous minute interval.
Current Count - 8 Indicates the number of events in the ninth previous minute interval.
Current Count - 9 Indicates the number of events in the tenth previous minute interval.
Current Minute Indicates the time in the first minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 1 Indicates the time in the second minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 2 Indicates the time in the third minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 3 Indicates the time in the fourth minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 4 Indicates the time in the fifth minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 5 Indicates the time in the sixth minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 6 Indicates the time in the seventh minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 7 Indicates the time in the eighth minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 8 Indicates the time in the ninth minute interval, in seconds.
Current Minute - 9 Indicates the time in the tenth minute interval, in seconds.
Fixed Display Indicates whether this group is always displayed. Groups which are not fixed are only displayed if there are any times which are not zero. Valid values include Yes and No.
IMSID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
Input IMS Identifies the IMS where the transaction originated.
MVS System Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
RTA Group Name Identifies the name of the RTA group.
RTA Group Number Indicates an identification number of an RTA transaction group.
Sequence Number Indicates the sequence number of the group (for display selection).
SYSPlex Identifier Identifies the sysplex that originated this request.
Threshold Indicates the threshold, in seconds, defined for this group and response time component.
Threshold Exceeded Indicates whether the threshold defined for this group and response time component is exceeded. Valid values include Yes and No.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Current Time Indicates the time the current minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 1 Indicates the time the second previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 2 Indicates the time the third previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 3 Indicates the time the fourth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 4 Indicates the time the fifth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 5 Indicates the time the sixth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 6 Indicates the time the seventh previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 7 Indicates the time the eighth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 8 Indicates the time the ninth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.
Current Time - 9 Indicates the time the tenth previous minute interval started, in the format of hour:minute.