IMS Monitored System Status

Use the Monitored IMS Subsystems attributes to view status information on all monitored IMS subsystems.

ATF Status Indicates if the Application Trace Facility is currently collecting data needed for displaying application history information. ATF is enabled through the OI interface. If the OMEGAMON product is not running, the status will be NoOI. Values include:
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • NoOI
  • Unknown
BTLA Status Indicates if the Bottleneck Analysis Facility is currently collecting data. If the OI Interface is not running, the status is NoOI. Valid values include:
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • NoOI
  • Unknown
CMDR Status Indicates if the IMS Commander Facility is currently collecting data needed for displaying message history information. Valid values include:
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • No AOE Exit
  • Unknown

CSQACTIV Indicates if the Shared Queue collector, CSQ, is actively collecting information.

Data Sharing Group Name of the data sharing group or NONE if not a member.

GRPCNT Count of active IMS systems within the group. This value is only valid for rows with a type of DSGROUP or SQGROUP, all others will have a value of 1.

IDNAME Compatibility name from IP 220 release. NONE if neither part of a data sharing or shared queue.

IDSTATUS Compatibility status from IP 220 release. Online or offline status of the node.

IDTYPE Compatibility type from IP 220 release. Type will be DSGRP, SQGRP, or IMS

IMS Function Level Identifies a PTF that contains one or more IMS functions. The value is only available in IMS 15.1 and later releases. Valid format is an integer.

IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier.

IMSplex Name Name of IMSplex this IMS is assigned to, blanks if not part of an IMSplex.

IMS Type Type of monitored system. Values include:
  • IMS
  • Data Sharing Group
  • Shared Queue

IMS Type1 Indicates whether OMEGAMON IMS Type-1 command support is configured.

IMS Type2 Indicates whether IMS Type-2 command support is configured.

IMS Version Specifies version of IMS.

IRLM Version Version of the IRLM system (if known) and active.

LASTTIME The timestamp for the last time this node was online.

Monitoring Status Indicates the monitoring status of the IMS system.
  • Online: The IMS system is online and being monitored.
  • Offline: The IMS system is not currently offline.
  • Not Monitored: The IMS system is online, but this agent is not monitoring it.
  • Unsupported: The IMS version is not supported by this level of OMEGAMON for IMS.
  • Restart Needed: The IMS has been started, but needs an emergency restart to become active.
  • Not Initialized: The control region has not yet completed its initialization.

MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.

OI Jobname Name of OMEGAMON for IMS Classic address space collecting RTA information.

ORIGINNODE Identifier of the node representing the system where this data was collected.

RTA Status Indicates if the Response Time Analysis collection is active in OMEGAMON Real Time Monitor. If the OMEGAMON Real Time Monitor is not running, the status will be NoOI. Values include:
  • Active: RTA is active
  • Inactive: RTA is inactive
  • NoOI: Real Time Monitor not running
  • Unknown: RTA is inactive. Unknown OI status
  • N/A: RTA not applicable for DBCTL

Shared Queue Group Name of the shared queues group or NONE if not a member.

SYSPlex Identifier Identifier for the SYSPLEX this request originated from.

TIMESTAMP The date and time this sample was taken.