IMS Messages attributes
This attribute group is used to access the Message repository that consists of IMS console traffic, dependent region messages, commands and the responses. You can use the IMS Messages attributes to view the messages from a certain period of time, origin, and string content to have an overall view of the application activity. These attributes are used by the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface and are not available from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
ABEND Code Identifies the condition which caused this transaction or program to abend.
Address Space IDX Indicates the z/OS address space ID. Valid format is hexadecimal.
Address Space ID CH Indicates the z/OS address space ID character. Valid character format is hexadecimal.
Agent Name Indicates the name of the address space of the agent that generated this message.
Agent ASIDX Indicates the z/OS address space ID of the agent address space. Valid format is hexadecimal.
Agent ASIDXCH Indicates the z/OS address space ID character of the agent address space. Valid character format is hexadecimal.
IMS ID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
IMS Plexname Indicates the name of the IMS plex that is associated with this IMS.
MCS Terminal ID The 4-byte MCS/E-MCS terminal ID.
MCS User Indicates the MCS user ID. This field might be blank for some messages.
MVS ID Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Message Class Indicates the class that defines this message.
Message Color The color/highlighting code (if any) used to display the message in the IMS Commander Console Output display.
Message Text Indicates the contents of the message text.
Message Token Indicates the internal integer that is used for repository position.
Message Type Indicates the type of the message content in this message. Valid values include Appl, Command, Internal, Response, Message, Unknown, and z/OS.
Name Flag Indicates the type of the identifier that generate this message. Valid values include USERID, LTERM, PSBNAME, and OTHER.
Node Name Indicates the name of the VTAM node that generated this message. This field might be blank for some messages. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
LTERM ID Indicates the ID of the logical terminal associated with this message. This field might be blank for some messages. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
LU62 Network Indicates the LU62 network ID. This field might be blank for some messages.
LU62 Node Indicates the LU62 logical unit name. This field might be blank for some messages.
LU62 ID Indicates the LU62 user ID.
Operator Type Indicates the type of the operator command that generated the message. Valid values include Terminal, Response, Application, Internal, Segment, and Unknown.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
Origin Type Indicates the origin of the command that generated this message. Valid values include None, Other, VTAM, LU62, MSC, OTMA, CONSOLE, and MASTER.
Program Name Indicates the IMS application program name.
Region Name Indicates the name of the region associated with this message. The field might be blank for some messages. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Row Type Indicates the type of data that is detected in MSGTEXT column.
Terminal Line Indicates the terminal line number.
Terminal Number Indicates the physical terminal line number.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Transaction ID Indicates the IMS application transaction name.
User ID Identifies the user that executed the command. This field might be blank. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
VTAM ID Indicates the VTAM user. This field might be blank.
OTMA TMEMBER Indicates the OTMA TMEMBER name. This field might be blank for some messages.
OTMA TPIPE Indicates the OTMA TPIPE name. This field might be blank for some messages.