IMS Bottleneck Analysis Summary attributes

Use the IMS Bottleneck Analysis Summary attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor workloads, rather than on resources. Monitor summary-level short-term and long-term CPU use percentages, transaction counts, and wait percentages by category.

Comp Transactions The average number of competing transactions running (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Comp Transactions Long The average number of competing transactions running (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Database IO Waits The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to database I/O waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Database IO Waits Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to database I/O waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Database IO Waits Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term database I/O waits.

Database IO Waits Percent Lg The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to database I/O waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Elapsed Time Time elapsed, in seconds, since the long term counters were cleared.

ESS Activity The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to External Subsystem waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

ESS Activity Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to External Subsystem waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

ESS Activity Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term External Subsystem waits.

ESS Activity Percent Long The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to External Subsystem waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Exec Transactions The average number of transactions running (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Exec Transactions Long The average number of transactions running (long term). Valid format is an integer.

IMS Activity The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to IMS Activity waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

IMS Activity Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to IMS Activity waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

IMS Activity Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term IMS Activity waits.

IMS Activity Percent Long The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to IMS Activity waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

IMS ID Indicates the IMS subsystem identifier.

Interval Long Term Indicates the long-term interval, in seconds.

Interval Short Term Indicates the short-term interval, in seconds.

MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

MVS Waits The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to MVS waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

MVS Waits Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to MVS waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

MVS Waits Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term MVS waits.

MVS Waits Percent Long The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to MVS waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

NonComp Transactions The average number of non-competing transactions running (short term). Valid format is an integer.

NonComp Transactions Long The average number of non-competing transactions running (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Originating System Identifier Identifier of the node representing the system where this data was collected. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.

Other Waits The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to Other (Unknown) waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Other Waits Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to Other (Unknown) waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Other Waits Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term Other waits, that is, unknown waits.

Other Waits Percent Long The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to Other (Unknown) waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Output Waits The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to Output waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Output Waits Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to Output waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Output Waits Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term Output waits.

Output Waits Percent Long The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to Output waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Sample Count Indicates the number of short-term samples.

Sample Count Long Indicates the number of long-term samples.

Scheduling Waits The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to scheduling waits (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Scheduling Waits Long The average number of sampled transactions that were delayed due to scheduling waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Scheduling Waits Percent Indicates the percentage of total sampled transactions that are delayed due to short-term scheduling waits.

Scheduling Waits Percent Lg The percentage of total sampled transactions that were delayed due to scheduling waits (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Total Transactions The average number of transactions total (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Total Transactions Long The average number of transactions total (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU The average number of samples where transactions were found running IMS or application code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Appl The average number of samples where transactions were found running application code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Appl Long The average number of samples where transactions were found running application code (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Appl Percent The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running application code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Appl Percent Long The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running application code (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU IMS The average number of samples where transactions were found running IMS code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU IMS Long The average number of samples where transactions were found running IMS code (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU IMS Percent The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running IMS code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU IMS Percent Long The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running IMS code (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Long The sum of times the transaction was found running application and IMS code (long term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Percent The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running IMS or application code (short term). Valid format is an integer.

Using CPU Percent Long The percentage of total samples where transactions were found running IMS or application code (long term). Valid format is an integer.