Global Lock Conflict attributes

Use the Global Lock Conflict attributes to create situations that monitor IMS database lock conflict characteristics for a specific IMS system.

CICS/ODBA Jobname The CICS/ODBA job name, containing the CCTL ID of the thread. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

CICS Target Node The node name of the CICS system when the lock owner or waiter originated from a CICS transaction. The format of the CICS node is smfid.jobname where smfid is the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier and jobname is the CICS job name. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

CICS Task Number This number associates a CICS transaction with a specific unit of work in CICS. Valid format is an integer.

CICS Terminal ID This ID associates a CICS transaction with a specific CICS terminal. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, M404.

Database Updates The total number of database updates that a BMP, MPP, or DBCTL thread has performed since the last syncpoint. Valid format is an integer.

DB/Area Name The name of an IMS database or Fast Path area. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, for example, DI21PART is the name of an IMS database.

DCB Number The identification number of a data control block (DCB) for an IMS database. Valid format consists of alphanumeric characters, for example, 01.

Elapsed Lock Time The elapsed time of this lock (in seconds). Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable. For an owner, the amount of time the owner has held a lock on a resource. For a waiter, the amount of time the waiter has been waiting on a resource. IMS does not maintain lock elapsed time for IRLM 1.5. For IRLM 1.5 lock elapsed time will always be 0.

Elapsed Time Syncpoint Deprecated. Use Syncpoint Elapsed Time instead.

Graph Axis Label Used as the display item for the chart axis. It consists of the concatenation of the jobname and region number (PST number). Valid format consists of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

HALDB Partition ID The partition ID of a HALDB. Valid format is an integer.

HALDB Partition Name The partition name of a HALDB. Valid format consists of up to 7 alphanumeric characters.

IDNAME The name of the data sharing group. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

IMSID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.

IMS Target Node The node name of the IMS system. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Jobname/Thread ID The name of a job that is holding or waiting on a lock. If the holder or waiter is a DBCTL thread, it contains CCTL identifier. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMS51MS1

Lock Elapsed Time Deprecated. Use Elapsed Lock Time instead.

Lock Intent The intent of a job that is holding or waiting for a lock. Valid values include ER (erase), EX (exclusive), RD (read only), SH (share), and UP (update).

Lock Status The status of a job holding a lock. Valid values includes OWNER (job is holding lock) and WAITER (Job is waiting on lock).

Locks Held The total number of locks that a BMP, MPP, or DBCTL thread is holding. Valid format is an integer.

Long Token The value, including the name of the database (if any), that IMS uses to identify the resource. The long token value can be a relative byte address (RBA), a relative block number (RBN), or some other value that IMS provides. The long token differs from the true token because it contains the name of the database (if any) as a prefix to the normal token. Valid format consists of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

Message Ident This identifier ties a group of messages to a specific table. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, SP11.

Originating System Identifier Identifier of the node representing the system where this data was collected. Valid format consists of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example,SP22:IMS.

Owner IMS ID The identifier of the Owning IMS system. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

Owner Jobname The name of a job that is holding the lock for this waiter. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Owner MVS ID The identifier of the Owning MVS system. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

Owner PSB Name The name of a program scheduling block (PSB) that IMS associates with a lock owner. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Owner Region ID The region identification number for a region that owns the lock. Valid format is an integer.

Owner Transaction Name The name of the transaction that IMS associates with a lock owner. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

PSB Name The name of a program scheduling block (PSB) that IMS associates with a lock. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, for example, DFSSAM01.

Recovery Token The recovery token for this lock. Valid format consists of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

Region ID The region identification number. Valid format is an integer.


Region Type The type of IMS region. Valid values include BMP (batch message processing), DBCTL (DBCTL thread), IFP (IMS Fast Path), and MPP (Message processing program).

Result Set Identifier The unique identifier for original result set. Used for links to match cached results with the original real-time results. Valid format is an integer.

Return All Indicates whether all locks are to be returned. A value of Yes returns all rows, while any other value returns only waiters and lock owners that have at least one waiter.

Subsystem The name of the IRLM subsystem. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Syncpoint Elapsed Time The elapsed time since the last syncpoint. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.

Sysplex Identifier The originating sysplex for this request. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Token The value that IMS uses to identify the resource. The token value can be a relative byte address (RBA), a relative block number (RBN), or some other value that IMS provides. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, for example, C3204001 is an RBA.

Top Blocker Indicates whether this owner is a top blocker. N/A is returned if the row is for a lock waiter.

Topology Name Used as the display item for the topology view. The name consists of the concatenation of the JOBNAME, PSBNAME, TRANCODE, and DB_AREA with a backslash between each. Valid format consists of up to 36 alphanumeric characters.

Transaction Name The name of the transaction that IMS associates with a lock. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, for example, DLETPART.

Waiter Count The number of waiters for this lock. Valid format is an integer.

Waiting Count The number of locks this owner is waiting on. If zero, it is a top blocker. Valid format is an integer.