Fast Path Regions attributes
Use the Fast Path Regions attributes to view status and statistics on Fast Path dependent regions.
Available Buffer Queue Depth Indicates the available buffer queue depth for this region. Valid format is an integer.
Balancing Group Input Queue Depth Indicates the BALG input queue depth associated with this region. Valid format is an integer.
Buffers Waiting for OTHREADS Deprecated. Use Buffers Waiting OTHR attribute in Fast Path System attributes instead.
Buffer Waits Number of times the region waited for free buffers. Valid format is an integer.
DBIO Per Schedule The total database I/O count for the transaction schedule. Valid format is an integer.
DBIO Per Transaction The current database I/O count for the running transaction (UOR). Valid format is an integer.
DEDB Calls Number of Fast Path DEDB calls issued for a transaction. Valid format is an integer.
DEDB UOW Contentions Number of Fast Path DEDB unit of work (UOW) contentions. Valid format is an integer.
DLI Database Calls The current DL/I database call count for the running transaction (UOR). Valid format is an integer.
DLI Message Calls The current DL/I message call count for the running transaction (UOR).
DLI System Calls The current DL/I system services call count for the running transaction (UOR). Valid format is an integer.
Elapsed Time DBIO The elapsed wait time for database I/O for the running transaction (UOR).
Elapsed Time Intent The elapsed wait time for intent conflict. When an intent conflict is detected during PSB scheduling, the schedule request is put on the wait queue. The total wait time for an intent conflict is indicated in this attribute.
Elapsed Time Locking The elapsed wait time for database locking for the running transaction (UOR).
Elapsed Time Poolspace The elapsed wait time for pool space. When a PSB is scheduled and there is insufficient space for the PSB/DMB blocks, the schedule request is put on the wait queue. This attribute indicates the total wait time for pool space.
Elapsed Time Schedule The elapsed wait time for the schedule process.
Elapsed Transaction Time The current elapsed time for the running transaction (UOR) in microseconds.
Elapsed Wait Time Time that the region has been waiting for work to perform. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.
External Subsystem Calls The current external subsystem call count for the running transaction (UOR). Valid format is an integer.
Fast Path Trace On Indicates the status of Fast Path trace. Valid values include Yes and No.
Free Buffers Indicates the status of free buffers availability. Valid values include Yes and No.
HSSP BMP PVT Area Defined For HSSP BMP option, indicates the total private area defined. Valid format is an integer.
HSSP BMP PVT Area Usage For HSSP BMP option, indicates the private area usage. Valid format is an integer.
HSSP BMP PVT Area Used For HSSP BMP option, indicates the total private area used. Valid format is an integer.
IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.
IMSplex Name The name of the IMSplex that this region belongs to. If no name is indicated, the IMS is not a member of an IMSplex.
Message Ident Set to non-zero if message was generated by agent. Valid format is an integer.
MSDB Calls Number of Fast Path MSDB calls issued for a transaction. Valid format is an integer.
MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
Normal Buffers Used Number of normal buffer allocation buffers being used. Valid format is an integer.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.
Overflow Buffer in Use Indicates whether overflow buffers are in use. Valid values include Yes and No.
Overflow Buffers Allocated Number of overflow buffer allocation buffers allocated. Valid format is an integer.
Overflow Buffers Used Number of overflow buffer allocation buffers used. Valid format is an integer.
Overflow Buffer Utilization Indicates the percent utilization of overflow buffers. Valid format is an integer.
PSB Name Indicates the name of the PSB currently associated with the region. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Region Identifier The region identification number of this IMS Dependent Region. Valid format is an integer.
Region Name The job name the subject IMS address space. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Region Status Indicates the current status of the region. Valid values include Idle, Wait-Input, Wait-Fixed-Buffer, Wait-MSDB-Seg, Wait-Op/Cl-Latch, Wait-DMAC-Latch, Wait-MSDB-Latch, Wait-Owner-DEDB, Wait-OBA-Interlock, Wait-Sync-Lock, Active-Sync-Proc, Active-Dep-Reg, Wait-IRLM, Wait-PI-Enq, and Wait-DB-Latch.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Total DLI Calls Deprecated. Use DLI Database Calls instead.
Total System Service Calls Deprecated. Use DLI System Calls instead.
Transaction Elapsed Time Deprecated. Use Elapsed Transaction Time instead.
Transaction Input Queue Time Deprecated.
Transaction Name Name of the IMS transaction currently scheduled. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Type The region type the subject IMS address space. Valid values include FastPath and HSSP-BMP.
UOW Contention Name Indicates the UOW contention name of the resource with the region. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Wait Time Deprecated. Use Elapsed Wait Time instead.