DBCTL Thread Details attributes

Use the DBCTL Thread Details attributes to create table views, charts, and situations that monitor DBCTL threads.

CICS/ODBA Job Name The CICS/ODBA job name or started task name. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

CICS Target Node The name of the CICS target node for linking to the OMEGAMON for CICS Transaction Analysis workspace. The format of the CICS node is smfid.jobname where smfid is the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier and jobname is the CICS job name. Valid format consists of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

CICS Task Number CICS task number. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

CICS Terminal ID CICS terminal identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

CICS/ODBA Transaction ID The CICS/ODBA transaction identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.

Database I/O Count Total database I/O count. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

DEDB Buffer Wait Count The number of waits for DEDB buffer. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

DEDB UOW Contentions The number of DEDB UOW contentions. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

DLI Call Count The number of DL/I calls, including DL/I database calls and DL/I system service calls. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

DLI Database Calls The number of DL/I database calls. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

DLI System Calls The number of DL/I system calls. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Elapsed Thread Time Elapsed time in seconds that the DBCTL thread has been active. The elapsed time is calculated based on when the PSB schedule was started. Note that the elapsed time is also available in microseconds using the Thread Elapsed Time attribute. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Elapsed Wait Time DBIO Elapsed time in microseconds for database I/O.

Elapsed Wait Time Intent Elapsed wait time in microseconds for intent conflict. In a PSB schedule, when an intent conflict is detected, the schedule request is put on a wait queue. The total wait time is indicated in this attribute.

Elapsed Wait Time PILock Elapsed wait time in microseconds to get the Program Isolation (PI) locks which are local segment level locks.

Elapsed Wait Time Schedule Elapsed time in microseconds for the schedule request.

Elapsed Wait Time Poolspace Elapsed wait time in microseconds for pool space. When a PSB is scheduled and there is insufficient space for PSB/DMB blocks the schedule request is put on a wait queue. The total wait time is indicated in this attribute.

Exclusive Dequeue Count The number of exclusive dequeues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Exclusive Enqueue Count The number of exclusive enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Exclusive Enqueue Wait Count The number of waits on exclusive enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

IMSID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.

MVS System The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format consists of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, SP11.

Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format consists of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.

PSB Name Name of the PSB (program scheduling block). Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Recovery Token Recovery token or UOW token (in hex). The full recovery token is 16 bytes; the first 8 bytes are the CICS APPLID and the second 8 bytes are the UOW identifier. This attribute represents the UOW portion of the full recovery token. Valid format consists of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

Region ID DBCTL region identifier (PST number). Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Schedule End Time The date and time when the PSB schedule completed. This attribute is intended for logging and reporting data collection times rather than for creating situations. To specify a time of day for monitoring, use attributes from the Universal Time or Local Time groups. See the online help for instructions on specifying timestamp attributes in situations and queries.

Schedule Start Time The date and time when the PSB schedule started. This attribute is intended for logging and reporting data collection times rather than for creating situations. To specify a time of day for monitoring, use attributes from the Universal Time or Local Time groups. See the online help for instructions on specifying timestamp attributes in situations and queries.

Sysplex Name Indicates the originating sysplex for this request. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Test Dequeue Count The number of test dequeues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Test Enqueue Count The number of test enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Test Enqueue Wait Count The number of waits on test enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Thread Elapsed Time Elapsed time in microseconds that the DBCTL thread has been active. The elapsed time is calculated based on when the PSB schedule was started.

Thread ID CCTL identifier which is the CICS applid. Valid format consists of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Thread Occupancy Indicates the percent thread occupancy (or a value of Init until enough samples have been taken to accurately reflect a valid occupancy percent).

Thread State Indicates the state of the thread, including Active, Available, and Unavailable.

Thread Status Indicates the status of the thread within the DBCTL region. Valid values include Unknown, Idle, Wait-EPCB, Wait-IntCnf, Wait-PSB, Wait-DMB, Wait-HotRgn, Wait-Input, Wait-IRLM, Wait-Term, Wait-DLI, Wait-Disp, Wait-General, Exec-Term, Exec-SchInit, Exec-DLI, Exec-Open, Exec-LUMan, Exec-AppAbend, Exec-DepReg, Wait-Fixed-Buffer, Wait-MSDB-Seg, Wait-Op/Cl-Latch, Wait-DMAC-Latch, Wait-MSDB-Latch, Active-Sync-Proc, Wait-Owner-DEDB, Wait-OBA-Interlock, Wait-Sync-Lock, Active-Dep-Reg, Wait-PSB-Work, Wait-BlkMover, Wait-Switch, Wait-Poolspace, and Wait-PIENQ.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.

Update Dequeue Count The number of update dequeues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Update Enqueue Count The number of update enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.

Update Enqueue Wait Count The number of waits on update enqueues. Valid values include integers, N/A, and UNAVAIL.