Data Entry Databases attributes
Use the Data Entry Databases attributes to view statistics for the Fast Path data entry databases.
% Free CIs in Independent Overflow The percentage of free CIs in independent overflow. Valid format is an integer ranging from 0-100.
% Free CIs in Sequential Dependent Area The percentage of free CIs in sequential dependent area. Valid format is an integer ranging from 0-100.
ADS DDname Total Count of ADS DDnames associated with this area. Valid format is an integer.
ADS DDName Unavailable Count of ADS DDnames not available. If the count is 0, then all area data sets (ADS) of this area are available. Valid format is an integer.
Anchor Blocks in UOW The number of anchor blocks (control interval) per UOW. Valid format is an integer.
AREA Identifier Indicates the identification name for this area. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Area Restart Requested Indicates that a start against this DEDB area has been requested. Valid values include True and False.
Area Stop Requested Indicates that a stop against this DEDB area has been requested. Valid values include True and False.
Backout Set Indicates whether the DEDB has a temporary backout flag set. Valid values include True and False.
CIs in a UOW The number of CIs in a unit of work. Valid format is an integer.
CIs in Independent Overflow The number of CIs in independent overflow. Valid format is an integer.
CIs in Root Addressable Area The number of CIs in the root addressable area. Valid format is an integer.
CIs in Sequential Dependent Area The number of CIs in the sequential dependent area. Valid format is an integer.
CI Size The size of a control interval. Valid format is an integer.
DEDB Name The name of the subject IMS database. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
DEDB Opened Indicates whether the DEDB is opened. Valid values include True and False.
Error Recovery Needed Indicates that error recovery for this DEDB area is needed. Valid values include True and False.
First Missing ADS DDName Indicates the DD name of the area data set that is unavailable. Theoretically, one or more DD names can be defined to an area. This identifies the first one that is unavailable. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Free CIs in Dependent Overflow The number of CIs in dependent overflow in each UOW. Valid format is an integer.
Free CIs in Independent Overflow The number of free CIs in independent overflow. Valid format is an integer.
Free CIs in Sequential Dependent Area The number of free CIs in the sequential dependent area. Valid format is an integer.
HSSP Private Buffers Allocated The amount of storage allocated for buffers. Valid format is an integer.
HSSP Private Buffers Size The total size of private storage. Valid format is an integer.
HSSP Private Buffers Utilization Percent of HSSP private buffers in use. Valid format is an integer in a range of 0 to 100.
IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.
Message Ident Set to non-zero if message was generated by agent. Valid format is an integer.
I/O Error Indicates an I/O error condition on the subject DEDB. Valid values include True and False.
MVS ID The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.
Seq Dep Part Full Indicates the sequential dependent part is full. Valid values include True and False.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Utility Name The name of the utility active on the area. Valid values include None, Reorg, Scan, Delete, Create, Compare, and HSSP-BMP.
Waiting for W-M-C Indicates that this DEDB area is waiting for the write-must-complete (W-M-C) state. Valid values include True and False.