ATF Group Summary attributes

Use the ATF Group Summary attributes to view trace summary information for ATF groups. These attributes are used by the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface and are not available from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

ABENDs Indicates the number of abends that have occurred within the group.

Avg CPU CTL Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of control regions across the group.

Avg CPU DB2 Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of Db2 calls across the group.

Avg CPU DEP Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of dependent regions across the group.

Avg CPU DLI Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of DL/I calls across the group.

Avg CPU DLS Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of DLS regions across the group.

Avg CPU MQ Time Indicates the average CPU time in microseconds of MQ calls across the group.

Avg CPU Time Indicates the average total CPU time in microseconds across the group.

Avg Elapsed DB2 Time Indicates the average elapsed time in microseconds of Db2 calls across the group.

Avg Elapsed DLI Time Indicates the average elapsed time in microseconds of DL/I calls across the group.

Avg Elapsed MQ Time Indicates the average elapsed time in microseconds of MQ calls across the group.

Avg Elapsed Time Indicates the average total elapsed time in microseconds across the group.

Count Indicates the number of items in this group.

Group Name Identifies the name of the transaction, PSB, LTERM, or region.

Group Type Indicates the type of items in this group. Valid values include Transaction, PSB, LTERM, and Region.

IMS ID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.

Max CPU Time Indicates the highest total CPU time in microseconds that was recorded for a transaction in the group.

Max Elapsed DB2 Time Indicates the highest elapsed time in microseconds of a Db2 call that was recorded for a transaction in the group.

Max Elapsed DLI Time Indicates the highest elapsed time in microseconds of a DL/I call that was recorded for a transaction in the group.

Max Elapsed MQ Time Indicates the highest elapsed time in microseconds of an MQ call that was recorded for a transaction in the group.

Max Elapsed Time Indicates the highest total elapsed time in microseconds that was recorded for a transaction in the group.

MVS ID Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.

Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.

Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.