ATF Event Details attributes
Use the ATF Event Details attributes to view the details for a specific ATF event. These attributes are used by the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface and are not available from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
Correlation ID Indicates the unique identifier for a trace record.
DB2 Program Name Identifies the name of the Db2 program.
Event Correlator Indicates the unique identifier for the event record.
IMS ID Indicates the IMS Subsystem identifier.
IOAREA Is the first 60 characters of the I/O area (IOAREA) from the current or most recently executed call.
IOAREA Hex Is the first 60 characters of the I/O area (IOAREA) from the current or most recently executed call in hexadecimal.
Key Feedback Area Is the first 60 characters of the key feedback area from the current or most recently executed call.
Key Feedback Area Hex Is the first 60 characters of the key feedback area from the current or most recently executed call in hexadecimal.
MQ Program Name Identifies the name of the MQ program.
MQ Queue Manager Identifies the name of the queue manager.
MQ Queue Name Identifies the name of the queue.
MVS ID Indicates the MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem.
SQL Statement Number Indicates the DBRM number of the SQL statement.
SSA Is the first 60 characters of the first Segment Search Argument (SSA) from the current or most recently executed call.
SSA Hex Is the first 60 characters of the first Segment Search Argument (SSA) from the current or most recently executed call in hexadecimal.
Start Time Indicates the time that the trace started.
Status Indicates the status that was returned when the event completed.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
Call Type The type of call. Valid values include D (DL/I), S (Db2/SQL), M (MQ), E (Generic ESS), and N (N/A).