Address Spaces attributes
Use the Address Spaces attributes to view all address spaces associated with the monitored IMS subsystem.
Address Space ID The z/OS address space ID. Valid format is hexadecimal.
Common Page-In Rate Page-in rate of common area storage in pages per second for address space.
Common Page-Ins Page-in count of common area storage for address space.
CPU Percentage Percentage of CPU time consumed by this address space.
CPU Time Total amount of CPU time consumed by this address space.
EXCP Count Extended Precision The number of EXCPs that this address space runs.
EXCP Rate EXCP rate for this address space in EXCPs per second.
IMS ID The IMS Subsystem identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters, for example, IMSA.
IMSplex Name The name of the IMSplex that this address space belongs to. If no name is indicated, the IMS is not a member of an IMSplex.
Job Name The job name of the subject IMS address space. Valid format is a text string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Last Sample Timestamp The date and time of the previous data sample.
LSQA Assured Represents the private area only usable for LSQA storage under the 16 MB line.
LSQA Free Amount of free storage in the LSQA.
LSQA Largest Largest contiguous free storage area in the LSQA.
Message Ident Set to non-zero if message was generated by agent. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
MVS System The MVS System Management Facility (SMF) identifier. Valid format is a text string of up to 4 alphanumeric characters.
Originating System Identifier Fully identifies the originating IMS subsystem. Valid format is a text string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, for example, I91A:SP22:IMS.
Private Free Amount of free storage in the private area.
Private Largest Largest contiguous area of free storage in private.
Private Page-Ins Page-in count of private storage for address space.
Private Page-In Rate Page-in rate of private storage in pages per second for address space.
Private Top Block Size of the free-storage block with the highest private address under the 16 MB line.
Sample Delta The difference in time between the current sampling (Timestamp) and the previous sampling (Last Sample Timestamp).
SRB CPU Percentage Percentage of CPU time consumed by this address space for SRB.
SRB CPU Time Amount of SRB CPU time consumed by this address space.
Swapped Out Indicates whether this address space is currently swapped out. Valid values include Yes and No.
Task Elapsed Time Elapsed time since the address space has started. Contains the number of microseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours, as applicable.
TCB CPU Percentage Percentage of CPU time consumed by this address space for TCB.
TCB CPU Time Amount of TCB CPU time consumed by this address space.
Timestamp The date and time when the monitoring agent retrieved the data.
- Control
- FastPath
- Track
- Message
- Java
- Java Batch
- OM
- RM
Working Set Size Current working set size for address space, expressed in number of frames.