KAYL0004W task: YAML CONFIG ERROR, details
An error occurred while processing the YAML configuration member.The task is the name of the task in which the error originated, in the format KPQHSTpp, where pp is the product code.
The details contain additional information such as the error type and line number.
The following details:
PARSER FAILED WITH CODE 2 AT LINE 0, COLUMN 0 (invalid trailing UTF-8 octet)
indicate that the character encoding of the member might be incorrect. For example, this error occurs if the member contains square brackets ([ ]) encoded using EBCDIC code page 037. The member must be encoded using EBCDIC code page 1047.
System action
Depending on the error details, either the entire configuration or parts of the configuration are ignored.User response
- Correct the error by editing the YAML configuration member according to the provided details.
- Reload the configuration by entering the following MVS