This APAR introduces improved validation of configuration parameters. Previously, OMEGAMON Data Connect ignored unknown parameters in the
configuration file. Now, if the configuration file contains an unknown parameter, OMEGAMON Data Connect fails at startup.
This APAR also introduces the configuration validator, a command-line tool that you can use to
validate the OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration file
before starting OMEGAMON Data Connect.
Use the configuration validator now to reveal errors in the configuration file that OMEGAMON Data Connect was previously silently ignoring, and also
later, whenever you edit the configuration file, as a preflight
check before starting
OMEGAMON Data Connect.
For example, at a shell prompt, change to the bin directory under the
OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory, and then
enter the following command:
./validate -t=connect /var/omdp/prod-a/config/connect.yaml
replacing /var/omdp/prod-a/config/connect.yaml with your
configuration file path.