Breaking changes

Breaking changes introduced by APAR OA64880.

OMEGAMON® Data Broker
Minimum supported Zowe™ version raised from 1.24 to 1.28.2
OMEGAMON Data Broker is a plug-in for the Zowe cross-memory server. The latest plug-in requires a server from Zowe 1.28.2 or later.

This is a breaking change only if both of the following conditions are true:

  • You are running OMEGAMON Data Broker using a Zowe cross-memory server that you have obtained from a separate Zowe distribution.
  • The version of that Zowe distribution is earlier than 1.28.2.

In that case, you need to use a Zowe cross-memory server load module from a more recent version of Zowe.

OMEGAMON Data Provider supplies the Zowe cross-memory server load module from Zowe 1.28.2. For details, see the description of the change Updated Zowe cross-memory server.

OMEGAMON Data Connect
Renamed JAR file to odp-server-version.jar
The file data-connect-version.jar has been renamed to odp-server-version.jar. This file is now known as the core JAR file, to distinguish it from mapping extension JAR files.
New symbolic link odp-server.jar
The lib directory that contains the core JAR file now also contains a symbolic link, odp-server.jar, that refers to the core JAR file. The core JAR file name contains a version. The symbolic link offers a stable file name that avoids the inconvenience of updating references to the core JAR file whenever the version changes.
New runtime option -Dodp.ext refers to new mapping extension JAR files
Previously, a monolithic JAR file implemented the core functions of OMEGAMON Data Connect and the support for each monitoring agent. Now, there are multiple JAR files:
The core JAR file: a single JAR file that implements the core functions of OMEGAMON Data Connect.
Mapping extension JAR files: a JAR file for each monitoring agent supported by OMEGAMON Data Provider, where kpp is the product code for the agent. Each mapping extension JAR file encapsulates the support for a specific agent.

Mapping extensions extend OMEGAMON Data Connect to support different types of incoming data. Mapping extensions consist of Java classes that contain the data and logic required to map binary-format data from monitoring agents to various output formats. These classes are sometimes referred to as mapping classes.

The new OMEGAMON Data Connect runtime option -Dodp.ext specifies the locations of mapping extensions as a comma-separated list of directory paths and individual JAR file paths. The sample JCL procedure and shell script for running OMEGAMON Data Connect set a default value for -Dodp.ext that includes the lib/ext directory under the installation directory and the extensions directory under the user directory. If a mapping extension JAR file for an agent exists in more than one location, then OMEGAMON Data Connect uses the latest version of the JAR file.

Changes to the sample shell script
Changes to the sample shell script, bin/connect, include the following breaking changes:
New required argument to specify an action
Previously, you could run the script with no command-line argument. Now, you must specify one of the following actions as a command-line argument:
Runs OMEGAMON Data Connect, as before.
Creates a user directory for OMEGAMON Data Connect containing a sample configuration file copied from the installation directory as a starting point for you to edit.

This is the recommended method for creating a user directory, even if you plan to use JCL to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

New environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR
The script refers to a user directory specified by the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR. Set this variable before running the script.