September 2022: APAR OA63539

Attributes support refreshed to include new attributes introduced by monitoring agents.

Documentation-only changes:

OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source for OMEGAMON Data Provider
A new topic about choosing the destinations of collected attributes.
Expected messages
A new topic that lists the normal messages that you should expect from each component involved in OMEGAMON Data Provider.
Configuration parameters for OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source
  • More details about the special interval value 0
  • Clarification of default destinations for unselected collections
  • Precedence of entries in the collections sequence
  • More examples
Adding more OMEGAMON collections to OMEGAMON Data Provider
A new topic about adding more collections to an environment that already sends some collections to OMEGAMON Data Provider.
OMEGAMON Data Broker
Forwarding to multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect
Each instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker can forward attributes to multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.

For an overview of this concept, see OMEGAMON Data Provider topology.

For configuration details, see OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters.

Logging level
Typically, you only need to set the OMEGAMON Data Broker logging options parameter (LOGOPTS) if IBM® Software Support requests you to do so for troubleshooting.
OMEGAMON Data Connect
Handling of errors in filter condition expressions
Clarification of how OMEGAMON Data Connect handles different types of errors in filter condition expressions.
Parameters for managing attempts to connect to a TCP sink
Descriptions of two previously undocumented TCP output parameters: max-connection-attempts and retry-interval.
Methods for setting the logging level
Different ways to set the OMEGAMON Data Connect logging level.