October 2024: APAR OA66911

2024 Q3 maintenance.

OMEGAMON Data Broker

Support for TLS 1.3
OMEGAMON Data Broker forwarders now support TLS 1.3.

The OMEGAMON Data Broker SECURITY parameter now supports the values TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, or a comma-separated list of both.

Related new OMEGAMON Data Broker parameters: KEYSHARES (TLS 1.3 only) and ECURVES.

Default list of TLS cipher suites
OMEGAMON Data Broker now provides its own default list of cipher suites.

Previously, the default value of the OMEGAMON Data Broker CIPHERS parameter used the z/OS® System SSL default cipher list, which does not include cipher suites for TLS 1.3.

The new default value of CIPHERS includes cipher suites for TLS 1.3.

OMEGAMON Data Connect

New OpenTelemetry output (experimental)
The new OpenTelemetry (OTel) output sends OpenTelemetry Protocol requests over gRPC (OTLP/gRPC) to destinations such as Instana, other telemetry backends, and OpenTelemetry Collector. This output is experimental and subject to change.

Documentation-only changes

Prerequisites for OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source: PDS V2
Using OMEGAMON monitoring agents as a data source for OMEGAMON Data Provider requires version 2 of the OMEGAMON persistent data store (PDS V2). This is an existing requirement, and PDS V2 is activated by default. However, some sites might decide to postpone PDS V2 activation. For clarity, this documentation now cites PDS V2 as a prerequisite.